Mission Statement
Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Coloring outside of the lines
I don't know about you, but I have always liked to color! It didn't matter if it was with crayons, or those cool colored pencils. I was very glad when they started making wonderful coloring books with really intricate designs, but by that time, I had gone from coloring in the lines to coloring outside of them. Sometimes there just isn't enough room in a shape to put that one color. It changes things when you extend the color. I guess it is like being in the box. Maybe that is a good thing, not so much for me. All I am saying is that it is probably good to color outside of the lines sometimes, just to see what else we can create. Make a ripple, purchase crayons, see what happens.
Kind people rule!
As you may know, if you read some of these blogs, I love to give attention to the people who go the extra mile to be good humans. Lately, even with all the chaos in the world and mistreatment of so many, it seems as if I am running into so many more kind and thoughtful people than I used to. Or, maybe I am more acutely aware of this happening. Certainly, this blog was meant to make us all more aware of who we are and all the ways we can contribute to a better world. I know we are making a difference because I can see and feel it. It is called the "ripple effect!" So, thank you for making my world better. Know this is becoming evident, and we are all to be held in gratitude for making this effort. Make a ripple, feel the love, see what happens.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Get out of your own way
We all end up, at one time or another, at an impasse. It is easy to blame others, and situations for this happening. What I am learning is that many times, it is me who is blocking the path. It might be an old memory, or a habit I need to break, or even just what I expect of myself. Whatever it is, I have the choice to look at it carefully and see if it is me putting up roadblocks. I, for one, try to change others at times. Maybe it is time to use that energy to make some changes of my own, since I am the only one I can change, anyway. Make a ripple, be the example, see what happens.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Define this!
I love the dictionary. When I was younger, I would sometimes just sit and read it. Words are so cool! Yikes! Geek! But one of the words I just looked up for the umpteenth time is "COMPROMISE." Com pro mise, a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, by reciprocal modification of demands. Hmmmmm Another way of sometimes putting this is the removal of inflated egos. Guess that is my definition. Our government is like a bunch of 3 year olds, still in diapers and fighting over a binky. I don't know if it is like that where you live, but I sincerely hope not. All this dissension causes nothing but misery for everyone else and solves nothing. Make a ripple, tell them to " grow up!" See what happens.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Yeah! Target
Here are some more great humans. They will match the school supplies people buy up to $25 million dollars. It is a sad state that kids can't even afford school supplies, but it is so great that someone is stepping up to make the school experience a good one for these kids. They are making a ripple, and I salute them.
There is something bigger out there than you
Live for that! We all have the tendency to live our lives in our own little world. What I am seeing, is there is so much more out there and we have a hand in changing it. It is a fact that we need to know and nurture ourselves in order to be able to put out the time and energy. So, today, I am going to take a deep breath, and think about all the ways I can look at the bigger picture. Make a ripple, do the same, see what happens.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Who are the immigrants?
I spent most of yesterday at a local POW WOW. I go to as many as I can because they always renew my heart and spirit. The ceremony, tradition and beauty take my breath away each time. The drumming and singing fill my heart as nothing else can. It also makes me remember that the people who owned this land first are the Native Americans. We came here and pushed them around in a horrible fashion. Sometimes I think we have a revisionist theory about how things were, and it would do us well to re-think our position. Make a ripple, remember, see what happens.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Rescue me
It was a beautiful day, yesterday, so a dear friend and I went to the park to walk around the pond. As we walked down the hill, we saw something rather different. There was a young couple standing with a downy yellow duckling beside the water. They were trying to get this baby to get into the pond with it's mother. This duck would have none of it! No sooner would they coax it into the pond, it would scurry back up to shore. To make matters worse, no mama duck came to claim it. A couple of hours went by, and somehow it must have imprinted on these people, because when they tried to leave, it would follow. They ended up taking it home and feeding it oatmeal as the park worker suggested. After that, who knows, but I know it was taken care of. As we finished our walk, I noticed no small ducks, and one large Canadian Goose. These wonderful people saved it's life. We are all vulnerable and need to be rescued some time in our lives. This means we are charged with rescuing others. Make a ripple, think about it, see what happens.
Friday, July 25, 2014
She also went the extra mile!
Life can be difficult sometimes, but I am pleased to let you know about another great human who took the time to help me out! Her name is Terri W. I was having an issue with an account, and she spent over 15 minutes helping me to sort it out. She was kind, and thorough. When people do this it does send a ripple out into the world. She told me she wanted to treat other people the way she wanted to be treated by other's. You go girl! They are so lucky to have you as an employee. And I am lucky to have had you answer the phone when I called! Continue to make a ripple, and see what happens!
There is "what if..."
and there is "what is." We all go along with both of these at certain times. For me, if I go to "what if," it usually turns out to be less than what I want, or it never happens. A healthy dose of "what is," on the other hand, gives us something we can work with. Sometimes I think life is a big ball of clay. If we are creative enough, patient enough, and positive enough, then we have a chance to make it a good experience. We will get our hands dirty, and sometimes tax our minds, but it will come. Make a ripple, get in there, see what happens.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
it finally happened
Every day, I am filled with something to say. It comes so fast, I can hardly get it down fast enough. Today, it is as if the strong wind we had last night blew all the thoughts out of my head. So, today, maybe we will just relax and enjoy what is. Today, we will hold good thoughts for other's. Today we will bask in our own happiness. Today, we will be grateful for all we are, and are trying to be. Make a ripple, chill, see what happens.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
When you expect nothing...
you will not be disappointed. This is one of my very favorite sayings. It seems that when I expect something, it often times does not happen. But, if I go about my day just being the best human I can and staying in my happy place, many times something even better shows up! It is hard to give up control, but in reality, there are very few things we can control. It ends up being a freeing experience not to put that stress on ourselves. So I say, just for today, as an experiment, lets all be butterflies and just be in our joy for once. Make a ripple, float awhile, see what happens.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
The problem
is always the test. I don't know about you, but I find it hard to break old habits. It is as if they take on a life of their own. What I am learning, though, is that the feeling of discomfort that comes with a bad habit is starting to become a beacon to me. It robs me of the happiness I want in my life and keeps me stuck. Sometimes it takes a gigantic load of courage to look at something, and detach from it because it has been a part of me for so long. It all comes down to whether I value happiness more than the habit. Happiness is invaluable. At times it can be illusive, but I get to make the choice. The first thing to do is replace "I have always been this way." Make a ripple, choose, see what happens.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Small bites
are delights. What? In this world of having way more than you need, I have figured out that this is not always the way to go. For instance, did you know that you only taste the first three bites of a meal. It has been studied, and is true. If we are fortunate enough to have someone who is as good a cook as I am, it is still true. For that reason, I seldom go to "all you can eat places", and if I do, my plate is full of tablespoons of each thing. I think life is like that, too. We need to take time to savor small moments, small bites of things. This does not have to be limited to food. It can also be experiences. The beauty of things becomes more intense when our attention is on the smallest. It also helps to put things in perspective. Make a ripple, try it out! see what happens.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Spend some time...
It is important to keep joy in our lives. What we think about most is the thing we create and attract to us. So I say, take time every day to do something that brings that joy into your life. It doesn't have to be lengthy, but it does have to be consistent! One way to reinforce this is to take a few minutes when you wake up, and when you retire at night, to be grateful for all you have. Make a ripple, feel the love, see what happens.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Behind the fan
I woke up during the night because my room was cold! Cold! It has been so darn hot here, it has felt like a sauna no matter what fans were going. So I re-set the fan to a different temperature and fell back to sleep. I woke up to hear my neighbor calling her dog, (if you let them out and they always bark, yelling at them does not make them stop!) and the sound of various birds. It felt good to hear the normal sounds of the morning instead of the sound of the fan. It made me wonder what it takes to mask other things in life. What else gets covered up by things going on in life that I am missing? It is just a thought... Make a ripple, listen carefully, see what happens.
Friday, July 18, 2014
Up in smoke
I woke up to an eerie sky today. It is a strange shade of yellowish brown. We all know why it looks that way, and it is off putting at best. So many fires are blazing, so many places living in fear of the fires. Tragedy all around us, all around the world. What we need to focus on is the strength of the human spirit to endure. and the fact that we can wrap ourselves and other's in the white light. Thoughts are energy and we can send our pure, clean, hopeful energy to all. Believe me, it will make a difference. So when you feel you can do nothing, do this. Make a ripple, shine the light, see what happens.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Excuses are like...
#%%&*(%$ everyone has one. I don't know about you, but I feel like there has to be an excuse for everything. Let me tell you, that wears me out and it never solves anything. Lately, I have been looking at this and trying to break a life-long habit. It isn't easy! What I am learning, though, is that it is soothing not to feel like I have to make that excuse. We are all trying to be better humans. But we are humans on this earth school and we need to remember that. Make a ripple, take yourself lightly, see what happens.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Want to know the gift that keeps on giving?
It is being in the present. All we really have is the moment we are in. We can think ourselves crazy about what will happen next. (I can raise my hand on that one!) But it just makes us nuts and things change on a dime, anyway. It takes practice, like anything worthwhile, but just being in the now also allows us to just be. We can decide to be the best human we can, just for this minute, then the next minute. There is so little stress to this, it just takes a shift from 3rd gear back to first. Make a ripple, dial it back, see what happens.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Mad Heat
One of the things Catboy and I have in common is the fact that we get dehydrated in this crazy heat. I get a terrible headache and he acts like the living dead. It may or may not be this way where you live, but being dehydrated is never good. You can check yourself by pinching a piece of skin on top of your hand and hope it goes right back down. You can do the same on a cat's neck. We have a brain that is 80 % water. Maybe that is the reason some people are making such stupid decisions these days... Perhaps we should all drink lots more water. Make a ripple, get your h20, see what happens.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Appreciate yourself
Many times, we are good about appreciating the other person. If we aren't, we need to be. But something equally important is to appreciate ourselves. Life takes a lot of work and we get busy "doing." It never hurts to take a minute and let ourselves know that we are "being" the best we can and evolving in a way that will flow out from us to create a better world. Make a ripple, pat yourself on the back, see what happens.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
See things with your heart
I think society teaches us to look at things and make a judgement. We go by what we see, what we are taught, and what we are modeled. The problem with this is that we are all flawed human beings, and sometimes, we just go by what we know. The longer I live, the more I realize I know nothing. 20+ years of schooling has made me aware that there is so much more to learn, and that the only way to see anything is with my heart. To see things through itiis to see them as they really are, no judgement, no filters, just the real thing. Make a ripple, use your other eyes, see what happens.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Don't miss this!
Tonight, August 10th, and September 9th will be the super moon. The moon is larger and is brighter because of it's elliptical travel. Howl at the moon, tonight if you dare! We intend to do it in honor of our 14 year old red wolf who passed 10 years ago. Make a ripple, chin up, see what happens.
Meditation on...
Throughout my life, certain things come up and then, go away. I take yoga for a few years, then it goes away. I walk daily, even in the freezing winter, then it goes away. A while back I was journaling on a pretty continuous basis, well, you get the picture. The one thing that seems to stick is meditation. I guess there are so many forms, I don't get bored. Like yesterday, Catboy was very chatty about everything and he suggested that brushing him could be considered a meditation. As I brushed away, hair flying everywhere because of the fan, I did feel a sense of calm come over me. I've said it before, but this animal is full of wisdom. In the interest of including other animals, I suppose brushing your dog could also be a form of meditation and they could sure use it in this steamy hot weather, at least where I live. Make a ripple, find your OM, see what happens.
Friday, July 11, 2014
A tail of toe
The other night, about 1 am, I stumbled out of bed to look at the full moon. On my way, I jammed my toe into my 25 lb. vacuum cleaner. Ouch. Actually, I used another word, which I will not put in print. I grabbed the ice, and slept with it. The next day, happy toe. Last night, I got up, about 1 am, to do who knows what, jammed another toe into my 25 lb. vacuum cleaner. I said the same words, did not put ice on it, and today, I have a sore toe. The one thing I did, though, was to move the #@%* vacuum cleaner. Duh. There is a lesson in this and I will let you figure it out! By the way, I know "tale" is spelled wrong, but Catboy thought it would be funny to spell it otherwise. Make a ripple, learn the lesson, see what happens.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Liberty and Justice for all?
I don't know how it is in other countries, but I am embarrassed to be a United States citizen at the moment. I don't know if other countries could or would feel as if any child who is in danger should not be helped. I am expecting we are standing alone in this endeavor, and it breaks my heart. I am talking about what is happening with the thousands of immigrant children coming into our country, fleeing terrible violence, only to find people hiding behind a flag, turning them away. It is bad enough that a certain part of our Congress will not work together to pass a decent immigration bill, but to treat people this way goes against everything I believe in, and frankly what I thought we stood for. (Liberty and justice for all, remember?) The good news is that some people in Dallas, Texas are stepping up to start repairing this awful treatment. The bad news is that none of this had to happen if all human life was treated equally! Shame on us! Make a ripple, choose equality, see what happens.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Got dreams?
No matter what your age or situation, it is never to late to make your dreams come true. I have had lots of hopes and dreams and while they might look a little different than I expected, one of the big ones was just to find out how to be happy. The other one was to try and make a difference in the world. I feel happy the majority of the time and I work hard to make a difference, which makes me happy. How cool is that?! What I am learning is to just let go and do my best with a grateful heart. Make a ripple, find your dream, see what happens.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
It is not always what you expect
I am a firm believer of asking for what you need. It might be a constant mental thought. I always get what I ask for, but I don't always expect what I get. Are you as confused as I am? Sometimes we ask for things without being very specific, so I am learning to ask that way. What I need shows up, and I just have to trust in the process of having it and learning from it. I do believe what you think about the most happens, so it would be wise to be sure we are thinking, at all times, of the things that will benefit us, not the things that we already have that drive us crazy and continue to add chaos to our lives. Make a ripple, sort it out, see what happens.
Monday, July 7, 2014
There are always two sides...
to every story. Sometimes, it is easier to just accept what we believe, instead of looking deeper. There is always something else lurking, though, and we owe it to ourselves and other's to have all the information before making decisions. It makes us a better human to try and see all the angles. Old beliefs may not serve us any more. We need to open our eyes and see what is real. Make a ripple, really look, see what happens.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
And the answer is...
laughter, curiosity, and grace. What is the question, you ask? These are some of the wonderful qualities of a dear friend who turns 94 today. He has survived war, internment camp, and the death of most of his family members, and yet he smiles continuously, and laughs about as often. This is the friend who I started teaching Sudoku to in May. We started with a 16 square (1-4) and he has this week progressed to the 81 square (1-9). I don't know if you do this puzzle, but it is hard and some won't even attempt it. (Most of my friends!) One of the many things about him that touches my heart is his gentle grace. This man is so sweet and has so many stories to tell. So while this is a tribute to him , it is also a thank you to him for being my friend. My gift to you, Fred is that I wish you many more happy, healthy years. My gift to all of us is not to overlook the value of our older population. Make a ripple, check it out, see what happens.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Clean your house...
clean your mind. It may be said by many of my friends that I am a pack rat. It is probably true, and I drive myself crazy with it. What I am learning is that I can find one small place at a time and rid myself of the unnecessary things and the next day, feel better. I am trying to link that to the fact that the mind becomes cluttered, too. Do you ever marvel at the fact a child seems to remember everything? Well, you would too, if there were only a few things in there. So, I am endeavoring to do some cleaning and getting rid of things and thoughts no longer necessary so I have the new shining space, with some worthwhile items. Make a ripple, dump the old junk, see what happens.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Today is
the 4th of July. In the United States, it is Independence Day. People celebrate with barbecues, family reunions and the like. This year, it is giving them an extra day for their weekend. Independence is good, if it frees people from oppression. My question is, "has it done that?" It is all well and good to profess something, but if you don't back it up, it means nothing! There are 19 other countries involved in this blog who may not be celebrating this holiday, and in the spirit of inclusion, I would like to invite them to take part in my new holiday, "Inter dependence Day." One blade of grass does not a lawn make. One grain of sand does not make a beach, and yet each grain, so beautiful and unique makes up an undeniably beautiful experience. Why can't we be inter dependent and watch out for each other?! Our world would certainly be a better place. Make a ripple, think about it, see what happens.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Don't skip
breakfast. Get a good night's sleep. Don't forget to smell the flowers( but watch out for bees!) Breathe. Always look for the best in other's. Try your best, then let go. Stand up for what is important to you. Be grateful for all the goodness in your life. Make a ripple, follow these simple rules, see what happens.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
You go, Target, Chili's, Starbucks!
With all our problems with lack of gun control and violence we experience on a daily basis, I proudly salute these three businesses for making a positive difference for us and our families! I know there are other companies and I will surely let you know who they are. Target doesn't sell guns anymore and will not allow guns to be brought into their stores. Neither do the restaurant Chili's or the coffee house Starbucks. Wow! There is hope! These wonderful people are making a ripple and I hope other's will follow.
Find the beauty
heal your heart. It's easy, these days, to see the ugliness in the world. From wars to suppression, the nightly news drags us through the muck and mire. But, what if we turned off the news and consciously tried to be the goodness, ourselves? What if we looked for the beauty in life and celebrated it each day?! It would make a ripple, I promise.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
When the day is done...
Be done with the day. Life is full of up's and down's. We can all agree on that. Sometimes we feel as if we have been "pulled through the keyhole backward," as my wise, but cranky grama used to say. Sometimes, we have little control of things that happen, but we always have control over how they end. Every day is a new day, no matter what. So if this is a difficult one, take a deep breath and know that tomorrow, or even later can be better with a little effort. We need to learn how to let things go, or they stick to us and continue to create conflict. Make a ripple, know life is to short, see what happens.
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