Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, June 14, 2014

What is your favorite?

It is hard to believe, but today is our 250th post.  I would never have believed we would make it so far and so many of us would participate.  So from the bottom of my heart, thank-you!  In honor of this occasion, I thought it might be cool to list some of our favorite posts and their dates, in case you missed them or wanted to go back.  This is only a small sampling, but here they are:
 12/5/2013 Just in the time of Nick  12/7/2013  Can you spell ADVOCATE?  12/23/2013  She had to get sick to get well.  12/29/2013  Be patient and hurry up.  12/30/2013  Looking at the smaller picture.  1/8/2014  Forget regret.  1/17/2014  Enjoy a good yawn.  2/7/2014  Looking with a different eye.  2/16/2014  Perfect is not always perfection.  3/2/2014  Love and Fear.  3/20/2014 With fits and starts.  3/22/2014  Sleep, the wonder drug.  4/29/2013  The Gift within the gift.  5/6/2013  Leave everything better than you found it!  Again, we are making a ripple and I am grateful!

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