Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Friday, May 30, 2014

Start Over...

if you need to.  We are, if we are fortunate, always evolving.  Some find it easier than others to begin again when things fail for us.  I personally try not to view anything as a failure, because if we are smart, we can learn from it.  We all make mistakes, but, that is why we are on this "earth school."  We might not be aware that Thomas Edison failed over 1000 times before he finally got the light bulb right.  Well, that should give us pause in giving up on anything worthwhile. This is not to say we shouldn't give up on something that is not good for us. But, we have the strength and grace like Maya Angelou to find a path and not quit until we get what we came for.  Make a ripple, take a page from her book, see what happens. (Hint: a better world)

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