Mission Statement
Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Because we are all one,
we should treat other's the way we want to be treated, all day, every day. There are no exceptions. Make a ripple, stand up, see what happens.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
The gift within the gift
My dear friend who was sick, and now is well has gone with her partner on a short, well needed vacation. They asked me to look out for their house, and also check in on their elderly neighbor. I was glad to do it, they have been such good friends to me and have made so much joy in my life. So, I go each day and take care of things. One of the perks is that they live near the woods, so I get to go for a beautiful walk every day. The other is that I get to spend time with this neighbor. One day, I noticed a beautiful painting in his house. It was made of Japanese characters. Have you ever seen brush painting? It is more than beautiful. He was sad because it had belonged to his mother and she didn't know what it said. I had the idea to take a picture of it and take that to a near-by Japanese College to see if they could help us. I met two of the most wonderful women in the Culture Center. I got to speak with the director of the center and she spent over an hour deciphering this writing, and who had written it. She even printed out information about the person, so I could take it to my friend, who was overjoyed! My point is this: we never know what is going to be a gift to us. If we are fortunate, sometimes there is a gift inside that gift. All this has made my day and my week. Make a ripple, pass it on, see what happens.
Monday, April 28, 2014
What is it?
I was trying to explain about blogs to my new friend. He has never used a computer. I told him that before I started my blog in October 2013, I had never even read one. Then I proceeded to try and explain what I write about. I told him I wanted to make a difference in the world, so I wrote about things that I thought mattered like taking care of ourselves and being kind. I told him I wrote about things that were right and wrong with the world and thought if people payed more attention, took just a little more time each day, maybe we could all make those changes. It certainly happens faster if lots of people do it. He asked me if people have to agree with me. I said "no." The point of the blog was just to use life experiences, some painful, some silly, to shed light on some things we could all look at. I also told him that I try hard to talk about all the people who are choosing to do good in the world., but no, they do not have to agree with me. I want people to laugh, be inspired, be aware of the awesome task of being a great human being and to just pass that on. That's why I named it "Lets make a ripple."
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Tend your garden
Yesterday was a fairly nice day. We all know how spring is, one step forward (warm), one step back (cold, rainy) So about two weeks ago, we had several nice days in a row and I was out there with my shovel and pitchfork digging until I dropped. Two of my raised beds were cleaned out within an inch of their lives. Then came the cold and the wind and the rain. A funny thing happens when you aren't out there with your shovel, all sorts of things seem to re-appear in those beds. Yesterday was nice, so I went out to assess the damage. Fortunately, there were only 3 things that had made their way back. There were new raspberry plants, :) there were new catnip plants, ;) and there were new thistle plants ;( So, I dug and dug, cussing the thistle plants, because they throw out deep runners and you can't get them out completely. Then, I dug out all the catnip plants and transplanted them out of respect for Catboy. I did the same with the raspberries, out of respect for me. It's funny, my garden is like my life. As much as I hate the thistles, they are tenacious and remind me of what I don't want. The catnip plants show me how if I throw down really good roots, nothing can crush me, and the raspberries just taste good and are great to share. Make a ripple, find the lesson in everything, see what happens.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
What are we missing?
Recently, I have been spending time with an elderly man who has become a friend. I find him to be interesting, and engaged with the most twinkly eyes. He talks animatedly about his past life and all the things he has done, all his traveling, and his family. I relish my time with him because he has no agenda , just seems happy to be alive. He walks, and swims and right now, I am showing him how to do word searches. It is fun to see him learn something new and he is so excited. He is 94 years young. What I am learning, is that we all have so much to give to each-other, no matter what age and I feel a little ashamed that I have neglected a population of people who are so valuable. This seems to be a part of our society which gets neglected often. In his culture, family and the elderly are revered, maybe we need to take a page from his book, I certainly will. Make a ripple, look around, see what happens.
Friday, April 25, 2014
In other words...
There is this thing called "framing." It can pertain to your house, or a picture on your wall. It can also describe the way a catcher catches the ball in a baseball game when he wants a ball to look like a strike (within the strike zone.) Framing is used by all of us in speech at some point to make something we are saying sound a little more like what we want you to hear. What I am noticing, lately, is that it is being used consistently in much of our advertising, and not for our benefit, at all. The energy companies are using this type of speech about "Fracking." They are framing it as "fracturing technology." This is a process in which natural gas is being removed from the ground. Sounds innocent, except it poisons aquifers, and pollutes the air, just to name a couple of the horrible things it does. Do these companies, with their smartly dressed tall blonde lady, also say the energy is mainly being sent to China and the land and people here are the ones under severe health risk in perpetuity? Nope! All I am asking, here is for you to be informed. Get on your computer, go to the library and find out how to make a stink over this travesty. We are talking about families, kids, and the way they will live, or die. Make a ripple, make a difference, see what happens.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Pure and simple
While out and about yesterday, I saw a bumper sticker which said it all. "Now is all we have." Make a ripple, simply be, see what happens.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Life is just a bowl of...
cherries or pits, your choice. Now, I know that catastrophic things sometimes happen to us. These can be in the form of an extreme illness, or any number of things, but it's what you do with it that counts. I happened to catch Robin Roberts being interviewed on a morning show, yesterday. What a warrior! This woman faced death down with grace, beauty and strength. She also had the help of some strong family members and made her story one for the world to watch unfold. She has written a book and in it tells of a quote her mama said to her more than once. It is "Make your mess your message." We can all guess what gave her the kind of strength she needed to win her battle. We can also know that the warrior inside her is inside us. That is our choice. Make a ripple, you choose, see what happens.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Monkey see... monkey do
I am a keen observer of human behavior and I have noticed something lately. No matter where I am, if a kindness or respectful behavior is modeled, in most cases, it is repeated. We all know how it feels to be cut off in our car, to go to work and see that the coffee is gone, and there are dirty cups and spills. We also know how it feels when someone allows us to cross the street with a smile and the coffee pot is full, either by someone else or ourselves. The point is this, we are all busy, but it seems as if our manners have taken a back seat to all the busyness. We have a choice, once again, to feel good and respect, or go on our merry way and be a jerk. I wonder which one creates a better world?! Make a ripple, be the example, see what happens.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Fear, anger, ...and hope
For those of us living in the United States, this is a day we will remember and honor for a long time, it is the running of the Boston Marathon. Last year, as tragedy struck, we were all made aware of how vulnerable we are and that some people see destruction as a good thing. I am holding everyone in light there, today and in all countries with unrest and violence. We are lucky in so many ways for our way of life because many other people are exposed to much more darkness and hatred. I honor the brave people running today. My wish for the world is that we each take just a moment every day to imagine peace for all. Make a ripple, know it can happen if we want it to, see what happens.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Everything old is new again
A dear friend of mine saw newly hatched goslings just outside his patio this morning, yellow, downy, tiny new life with all it's promise. It doesn't matter how we celebrate this holiday, what does matter is that we unite in the fact that there is always re-birth and it is the most joyful of times! Make a ripple, celebrate life, see what happens.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
"The path is the goal."
A dear friend of mine and I call ourselves the impulse control twins. We want it and we want it now. I sometimes find myself feeling jealous of kids who get to cry and fuss whenever they want. As adults, of course, we are supposed to be dignified and wise and take things as they come. But, sometimes... Don't even tell me you don't feel this way because I won't believe you. I am learning, though slowly, that the way I will get at least some of what I want by taking the steps I need to get there and having a strong expectation that it will happen. Our brains work against us on this endeavor, because they are constantly looking out for us and judging everything by what has happened previously. So now it is our choice to swim up stream and make new memories for our brain to work off of. Make a ripple, one step at a time, see what happens.
Friday, April 18, 2014
It's in there, somewhere
I have a friend who is smart, funny, and generally just a good human being. She thinks about other's, tries to impart happiness, and is not generally judgemental... except with herself, and on that one thing, she is so harsh, it is nearly impossible for her to live up to her own expectations. Here's the rub, that makes it nearly impossible for her to find much happiness because something is not quite right. Are you that person? Do you know someone who is? I want to tell her she is really great just as she is and she deserves as much happiness as anyone. She needs to just chill and know she is doing her very best and, yes, that happiness is inside her. If you know someone like this, don't give up on them, even though they might wear you out sometimes. Make a ripple, shine the light, see what happens.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Between the raindrops
I was spending time with my dear sister and friend yesterday and it had started to rain. Fortunately, I knew that we would walk no matter what and took my new purple umbrella with me when I drove over. We went into the beautiful woods, talking about everything as we always do. The grass widows were so unbelievable, some bowing to the rain. Scattered among them were the waxy yellow buttercups and the beautiful yellow bells. It was so serene. This is my friend who is wise beyond her years, and so full of grace, it is an honor just to be with her. She is the one who is now cancer-free. She always reminds me of the deepest and most simple things like the fact that we can really only be in the moment and that to look to far ahead is folly. All we really have is now. See the beauty and enjoy the love we give and get. Make a ripple, live now, see what happens.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
She said...he heard(?)
We all know how important communication is. In fact, it was one of my most interesting and challenging courses in college. So when I asked a friend to help me with my rock garden with rather large rocks in it, I told him I would pay him for his trouble, and also that I wanted the rocks put back in the same formation. Sounds simple enough, I thought and went about my way, working on some other project. An hour later, he was done and wanted me to come look at his work. You can probably guess the outcome... He had re-arranged the rocks in a nice little oval. It looked like crap. It wasn't at all what I had asked for. Well, he said, he liked it better this way and he wasn't about to fix it. Some one didn't get paid! Two things: Make sure you ask for what you want, and make sure you get it! Make a ripple, speak up, see what happens.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Howling at the moon
All I could think of yesterday was the lunar eclipse. They don't happen very often and are so breath taking. It was the blood moon, which made it even more exciting. The day started out sunny and bright, so I knew I would be able to see it. I have an affinity for the moon because I had a red wolf as a pet for 14 years, and we would howl at the moon, together. This is a fact and he was such a baby. He and Catboy were besties even though Catboy was all of 10 pounds and he was over 90. Catboy has never gotten over his passing, nor have I, so staying up was a tribute to him. Sadly, it got cloudy, but through the clouds, I could vaguely see the outline of my precious Bear. I think this started out to be about the moon, but as I sit here tearing up, I guess it is also about remembering those we have loved so much and all they meant to us. Make a ripple, remember, see what happens.
Monday, April 14, 2014
If it weren't for Catboy...
there would be no post today. When I got up this morning, I did my usual things, and one event that happens almost 100% of the time is my greeting by the cat, stretching and meowing. Today, no cat. Oh he was around, just snoozing on his favorite pillow. He did not want to get up or even talk to me. So I did what any good friend would do, I served him breakfast in bed. We take so many things for granted, friendships, partners, and yes, even catboys. I say we remind ourselves that sometimes, they just need that extra love, and hopefully, they will remember about us, too. Make a ripple, Appreciate someone who makes your life better, see what happens.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
It's not what you are eating, it is what is eating you.
Well, this is true and untrue. It seems to me from personal experience that what is eating you causes you to eat like you shouldn't. I am not talking about the once-in-a-while comfort food, I am talking about lots of sugary things and pastries. There was a time in my life, quite a few years ago, when I ate on quite a few pounds because I was so unhappy. I am glad to say, the weight is gone, never to return. What I learned was that food does not make things better. Meditation, exercise and work on my self-esteem were the answers, that and eating to live, not living to eat. Make a ripple, honor yourself, see what happens.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
The glass is half full
We got there just in time. There was one left. I have a plan B, C, D. I finally made it! There was just enough light, time, space. I had enough energy, will, hope, expectation, love to get through it. Make a ripple, find your own way, see what happens.
Friday, April 11, 2014
In the blink of an eye...
That is how long it took for a dear friend to total her car yesterday. Fortunately, no-one was hurt badly and she did not have her precious dog in the car. The fall out is that the car is gone. She will survive, but times will be a little tough for her in the near future. I am so grateful she is o k. I can't tell you I haven't made the same mistake, several years ago. But I learned, then that I can't be distracted in a car. It is probably not good to be distracted much at all. Being here in the moment is the only way to live, but sometimes it takes a big loud crash for us to realize it. Make a ripple, be here now, see what happens.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Lets hear it!
Special K cereal is celebrating women of all sizes! You are officially added to my list of hero's. The more we celebrate everyone, the better we get!
A no-brainer
Raising the minimum wage is good for everyone. Four states are currently getting ready to pass the minimum wage of $10.10 an hour! A certain party wants people off food stamps, what better way to accomplish this than to pass a universal minimum wage! It would cut food stamp use by 46 billion dollars, and people would be able to spend money and boost the economy! Imagine that! Everyone gets what they want! HELLO...ANYONE LISTENING? Make a ripple, do what's right, see what happens.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Raking in the dark
It was 70 degrees here, yesterday! It was all I could do not to just work in the yard all day long. The other day, I learned that you have to work into these things or every muscle in your body will go on strike. But, I seem to be an all or nothing kind of person. Sometimes it works out great, other times, well, you know, moderation in all things. So last night, I was watching my favorite baseball team who is still doing well, but I got bored. I decided to rake in the garden. The only problem was it was dark. Undaunted, I grabbed my rake and, by the light of two little solar lights, I raked and raked. It felt really good, even though I had no idea how I was doing. To my great happiness, this morning, I had two big piles of debris, and two, fairly clean, garden beds. My point is that selective craziness is sometimes a wonderful surprise. Make a ripple, go for it! see what happens
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Great expectations!
I believe that taking chances and expecting things are close relatives. No matter what, if I expect something to go wrong, it usually does. By the same token, if expect it to turn out well, the same thing happens, it turns out well. I just have to let go of what is my perfect expectation, because, many times, there is something I haven't even thought of which turns out to be better than I think it could be. This is true in relationships of all kinds. So today, I will expect the best! I will first expect it from myself, then from other's. Make a ripple, let it go, see what happenst
Monday, April 7, 2014
Change, the great equalizer
Change can a lot of times be good. I don't know why we resist it so much. I guess our brains don't like it. We think it might make things worse than they are. Truthfully, that sometimes happens, but, sometimes it makes life easier. I notice that when I don't fight it, good things happen. Some people are taught in different ways when they are young to adapt, I appreciate parents who do this, it just makes life better for their kids, and for themselves. Being off balance many times helps us find our balance. Make a ripple, seek change, see what happens.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Moderation in all things
Let me know if you get tired of all my talk about spring. It, to me is such a metaphor for how life should be. In that vein, I got a lesson yesterday. The days are finally getting so nice, and I decided to start a project of digging out grass and some plants, irises, which have been in the ground for ? years. I got out the shovel and pitchfork and went to town. What makes us think we have to get a project done today? Well, I did not get it finished, but I feel finished today. My point here, slow and steady is a great pace. I have to go now and find the Biofreeze. Enjoy your spring and take time to plan as well as do. Make a ripple, take your time, see what happens.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Marking your territory
This week I realized how much we do this - with our friends, colleagues, yes, and even professionals in our lives who mean something to us. So the next time you see your dog or cat doing this, smile and know we all do it! Make a ripple, mark away, see what happens.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Just watched your response ad
Honey maid, you are my hero. You are a hero to all of us who believe we all have value in this world!
"As a father should."
Yesterday, I learned two really cool things happened. One was that a father, an off duty TSA officer, wearing an orange hoodie, jumped in front of a train to save a woman who had fallen on the tracks. He said, "it is as a father should." He wanted to show his growing son, what it meant to be a man. In another part of the country, a baseball player decided to be with his wife for the birth of their first child, missing several games. On the news, one was celebrated, the other given a bad time by some of his contemporaries. Two men shining! Shame on anyone who disparages either one of them. Make a ripple, be a real man, and proud of it!, see what happens.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Worms and dirt
I am a life-long gardener, and one of the delights to children and adults alike is the first, and really, subsequent, diggings of dirt with these wriggley pink worms. I remember the first time, taking the worm in my hand and feeling the wonder of it trying so hard to get away. I learned, quickly, that they really just wanted to be in their home. Later, there was a dessert that so many kids wanted night after night. (Big kids too) You put chocolate pudding, gummy worms, and broken oreo's in a little bowl. It's worms and dirt the dessert and to this day, it is one of my other messy favorites. Make a ripple, share the dessert,( and smile) see what happens.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
She went the extra mile!
We all know how it is to develop a habit and then all of a sudden, something disrupts it. This is so with my favorite coffee, which I have been drinking for some time now. I went to the only store which carries it and of course, they are no longer carrying it. Pooh. I keep my life really simple, but that cup of Chocolate Truffle Godiva coffee is my morning best friend. So I called Godiva and a wonderful woman in customer service named Judy answered. She not only listened to my story of woe, she went way out of her way to try to contact the distributor. When she couldn't do that, she informed me of an online way to get the coffee, and even went so far to look up the closest place in my state where I could purchase it! ( 350 miles away) My point, here is that we all need Judy's, we should all be Judy's and I hope they appreciate her because I surely do! Make a ripple, make and appreciate the effort, see what happens.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Perennail fans
My basketball team got crushed in the third round. How about yours? Now starts baseball and my long-time team has had many less than stellar years in a row. Still, even after all this time, hope, once again, springs eternal. We certainly never want anyone to give up on us. So, in that spirit, I will support them in the way I would want to be supported! Make a ripple, stay loyal, see what happens. PS They won! 10-3
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