Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Sleep...the wonder drug

We all know how we feel when we don't get a good night's sleep.  I am willing to bet there are more of us than we think! Then there are the times when we actually do get a good sleep.  What's the difference?  WOW!!!! It seems, for me, at least that I feel like I can conquer the world when I have gotten enough sleep.  Problems seem a little less problematic, the sun shines brighter, well, you get the point.  One trick I have found is to list off all the things I am grateful for in bed at night.  Sometimes, the list seems sort of short, other's longer, but each time I end up dozing before the list is done.  Don't we owe it to ourselves to invest in keeping our bodies and minds healthy in this way?  I am here to tell you that the Catboy is seldom cranky and sleeps 18 hours a day.  Lets take a page from his book.  Make a ripple, take a nap, see what happens.

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