Mission Statement
Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
I realize that it isn't exactly New Year's in the U.S. yet. But Happy New Year to all the people who participate in reading this blog and are working to change the world one person at a time. In less than 2 months, we have 8 countries and the U.S. involved! It warms my heart to see and feel the positive energy! Can you feel it?! Continue to make a ripple and see what happens. Namaste'
Looking at the smaller picture
In the spirit of staying in the moment, I want to tell you that the moment can be just that. Many days I live from hour to hour. Some days, from minute to minute. That's o k and it keeps the feeling of being overwhelmed at bay. It just takes practice. Learning to cut life into manageable pieces isn't any different than cutting your food into bites and chewing a lot. We can do this! Make a ripple, watch your portions, see what happens.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Happiness is essential ,,, Feeling miserable, not so much
Somewhere in the past years, I read something that talked about our ability to choose happiness. I thought it was just a bunch of words because, at the time, I was miserable. So, for years, I just keep choosing misery. You can guess what I got! (Change is hard!) I consider myself to have a pretty good brain, but I wasn't using it. There's a saying, "whatever you think about most, you get." Boy Howdy! Guess what, I finally decided to choose happiness. I eat, sleep, and think happiness. It has been a process, but it worked! Make a ripple, eat a big plate of :), see what happens.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Be patient...and hurry up!
Here is a lesson we are given every day. How do we reconcile these two things? Actually, this has been one of my life motto's, and a life long lesson. Being patient is not something our world reinforces, for the most part, hurrying up, well.... I was watching my favorite basketball team recently. These people are so fun and good at what they do. However, their success rides of the pace of the game. Last week, the other team decided to slow down the pace considerably. Guess what, my team lost. Hmmm. It made me look at how my pace affects my life. When I hustle, I do O K usually. There is a sport saying, "don't hurry, but be quick." I think I can be quick, but also pay attention, that is when I do better. There is only so much time in a day, so this year I will continue to work on time management, breathing, and smiling. Make a ripple, find your own pace, see what happens.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
It's the distance that keeps us apart?
My dear friend who just came back from Hawaii, was feeling sad because she missed her new friends. But she has discovered that they are still her friends and she can talk to them every day via text. Our perspective can cause us to see only one side of a story. We can be sad (now) because of a situation, or we can choose to be happy we had it and make the best of it. She realizes she has these friends for a lifetime. Make a ripple, check your perspective, see what happens.
Friday, December 27, 2013
How's your balance?
My friend and I were walking yesterday. We were shivering and enjoying nature, but also observing all the things that were in obvious balance with each-other. One thing that stood out was a set of rocks that someone had stacked in the midst of this beauty. The cool part was the fact that the top rock, quite large in proportion to the rest was carefully balanced on just a little corner of a much smaller rock. (Sorry I have no visual for you, but try to imagine this.) It took my breath away! The point (ha!) is, nature stays in balance if we don't destroy it. We should follow suit, we'd all be much better off! Make a ripple, find your center, see what happens.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
The possibilities are endless
I've had many cars in my life. I'm not sure why. They have ranged from a Cadillac to a V W Beetle. Each one had it's own unique qualities. I loved the Cadillac because of it's roomy luxury and even back then, everything was electric! Not too long after that, I got a red Bug. The gas mileage was amazing, and I could park it on a dime. I hated to give up the Cadillac, but we got into a wreck and it was gone. Luckily, we weren't hurt badly. My point is that we are given lots of situations in our lives. They might look different, but they all provide us with the opportunity to find the lesson and goodness in them, to stretch and grow. Make a ripple, reach for the stars, see what happens.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
December 25, 2013
My gift to you today is to ask you to be present. There is nothing you can do to change the past. All you can do is learn from it. There is no way to control the future, it just takes energy away from today. So, just be in the "now." Do your best, "now." Smile, be grateful, love "now." It is really all we have! That's why they call it "the present." And, it is. Make a ripple, today, and see what happens.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
The gift you don't have to wrap but you do have to open
I wrote a post about my friend who is now successfully beating cancer. We were talking a few days ago about the importance of listening to your intuition (gut). This is one thing the two of us have learned to do consistently. I am sure there are many more of us who do this. Your instinct is the thing that will never steer you wrong. It is your undeniable truth. Trust it, own it, be it! Make a ripple, listen carefully, see what happens.
Monday, December 23, 2013
She had to get sick to get well
A friend who's as close as a sister once told me something about her life. It had been hard and to make matters worse, she was quite unhappy for most of it. It wasn't that she didn't try to be happy, it was just something she never quite attained. Then, one day, not long ago, she hadn't been feeling well and went to the doctor. Sure enough, she had something wrong. The good news was that it was a manageable disease, the bad was that it couldn't be cured. After the initial shock, months down the road, and going through the "pissed off" and "why me?" stage things began to change. Her spirit softened and she decided to turn toward happiness. WOW! It worked! She is now happier than she has ever been. She is doing something she loves to do, helping other's. She won't go back to that dark place, at least not for long. Make a ripple, change your mind, see what happens.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Things look up when I look up
Habits are interesting things. We accumulate them like so much stuff, and many of them are unconsciously acquired. Then, one day we wonder why our digestion is so bad and after some thought, realize we have been slumping and not drinking much water. Hmmm... It's easier to just keep on going the same old way. Change is often painful. But, it is sure worth it! If you find you have the bad habit of looking down a lot, pay attention to that! Make a ripple, be aware, see what happens.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
A person I love dearly just returned from Hawaii. She told me it changed her outlook on life. Their life style is very laid back and no-one was cranky. Everyone was happy and welcoming. Their motto is loving and respecting people! Imagine that! It was hard for her to leave and return to... She wishes we could take a page from their book, she has certainly decided to. Make a ripple, make your own motto, see what happens.
Friday, December 20, 2013
I'm not to crazy about the word "hope." It seems like "hope," and "wish" don't have much movement. I can hope and wish til the cows come home and have no real results. Having hope is different. Holding on to expecting a positive result that you can picture in your mind can transform you! There's a saying, "if you can see it, you can be it." If we can get out of our own way, good things can and will come. Make a ripple, stand aside, see what happens.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Forgiveness sets you free
When I was younger, I thought forgiving someone meant you were were saying what they did was o k. Consequently, my list of "forgiving" became very long. This included forgiving myself. Then, one day someone I truly respected told me that forgiveness was for me. What?! I spent two summers with my list. I won't tell you I have completed my forgiveness list, but I will tell you it is an ongoing process, and it has lightened my load considerably. It is up to us to start to repair ourselves. Forgiveness is a good way to begin. Make a ripple, be gentle with yourself, see what happens.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Can't buy this in a store
Another of the important holidays approaches. I'm usually still stressing about what society says is important. This year, I am going to ignore the mass media onslaught. Not saying I didn't shop a bit, but also I made gifts, and am realizing more and more that it's about those you love, and letting them know it! It's the most important thing, besides keeping warm. So, nurture your spirit in the best way for you. As always, live in gratitude. Make a ripple, be a gift for someone, see what happens.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Who you are is good enough...if not...
Lets face it - we are all a big lump of clay just waiting to be formed into something, at least at some point in our lives. We may not always have a say about who's forming us, but we can form ourselves. Here's the cool thing. As long as we stay moist, we can re-shape and re-invent ourselves whenever we want. It's true! We can change our minds, change our friends, become life-long learners. There is so much out there that is good and so many ways to access it. You're never alone unless you choose to be. If you don't like it, change it! If you need help, get it! Make a ripple, be creative, see what happens.
Who's in charge? Not me, except.....
So many things are out of our control. The more we try to control things, the more we learn (hopefully) sometimes we just need to let go. That being said, we can have something to say about our personal choices. We can choose to look for the best in ourselves and others. We can, with practice, find the one positive thing happening at any moment. Make a ripple, find your power, see what happens.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Just Breathe!
I know, I know, you breathe all the time. Well, No you don't! When you are in a hurry, you hold your breath. When you try on your jeans, you hold your breath. When you are frustrated or worried, you hold your breath. Are you getting the picture?! Our brains need oxygenation to function properly. How badly do we need to use our brains these days? Make a ripple, take a breath, and see what happens.
Take time to be silly!
I have two friends who participate with me in days or nights of silliness. We just laugh and act stupid. It doesn't matter where we are, we just participate in total Joy! The laughing goes on and on. It feels so good to let go of everything for a while! I'm giving you permission to create your own silly times. You won't regret it, I promise! Make a ripple, giggle wholeheartedly, and see what happens.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Thank you
I am now aware that I have seven countries and the US on my blog. Thank you so much for participating. I know I address local business at times but I expect that I am reaching the rest of you in some way. We can all support our localities, though. Know you are appreciated. I feel so humble you are with me. Make a ripple, altogether!, and see what happens.
The colder it gets, the slower we go
It seems like the winter brings out the turtle in me. How about you? Instead of chastising myself this year, I will try to rise a little earlier and give myself the luxury of going at a healthy pace, not running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Who knows, by spring, maybe I will be rested when I start my 'chicken' thing again. Better than that, perhaps I can learn to just take my time so I won't miss something. Make a ripple, take a chill pill, see what happens.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
A dear friend of mine is applying for a permanent position in our local school district. I'm not mentioning any names but our superintendent of the school district interviews all the people they are interested in hiring, herself. Talk about hands on! There are many reasons our educational system is broken from lack of funding, and lack of funding (repetition is intentional) to ignorance of what these dedicated people do for our kids. But, here she is, the shining light! There's this thing called 'modeling behavior.' What can you model? Make a ripple, find your runway, see what happens.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Do a kind act, hug your kids tight
Tomorrow is the first anniversary of the tragedy of Sandy Hook. Sadly, there have been 19 school shootings since that time. Over 200 kids have lost their lives in these situations. What are we going to do about it? We need to find a way to make a ripple to save our kids.
Put the oxygen mask on yourself first
Airlines are a conundrum. The seats are getting so small we'll soon have to go through a trash compactor to fit in them. If they put any more seats on the plane, there will be no aisles. I don't know about you, but I am claustrophobic now anyway. They do, however, get some things right. They tell you if there is a problem to put the oxygen on yourself first. WOW! What a metaphor for life! How can we make a difference and change the world if we don't handle our own business first?? Choose happiness and connection. Make a ripple, appreciate your contribution, see what happens.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Do you remember Jimminy Cricket, the wise one?
It is interesting to look back at stories and characters from our past. Maybe it's just me, but as I look back, I see the depth and layers of messages from these "works of art." So many of these messages were also very basic, timely then and now. Do you remember "always let your conscience be your guide." Wow! When do we ever get that kind of message now? Think of where we'd be if we all let our conscience be our guide. Make a ripple, be the change, see what happens.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
If you don't ask, they won't tell you
A good friend of mine is going through a difficult time with her health. We were discussing what it is like to try to find answers to all the questions that come up. She told me she just keeps asking everyone the question until she gets the answer she needs. It is her life. It is your life and my life. Take time to get your own answers to the things important to you. It all comes down to that. Make a ripple, be persistent, see what happens.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Children as an investment, what a novel idea!
We live in a less than ideal situation at the moment. The middle class is shrinking, shrinking, shrinking. We are forced to do more with less,more work, more jobs, more time away from family, more worries. Many people have given up altogether on the idea of retiring. We try to put away money, but what money do we put away? There is, however, an investment we must make, no matter what, and that is in our children. Maybe it is spending time with them at dinner which improves relationship and overall success, including school. Maybe we could just talk to them more, and hug them even if they say "ugh," or "Oh, Mom (Dad)." Something has to give because they are a precious resource! Make a ripple, say"I love you," see what happens.
Monday, December 9, 2013
First, see if it is plugged in
I'm pretty sure many of us have cable T.V. I also know how we feel when we turn it on and get the crazy "no signal" signal. Or, we get "to be announced." Crap! At this point I check that things are plugged in. I have called the cable company enough times to know what they will say... You know the drill. Normally, everything just comes back on like there never was a problem. My journey around the bush is just that I think sometimes we forget, when things are going well, that inevitably the "no signal" warning will come up! Don't freak out like I used to do. Breathe! Ask what the 'lesson' might be.The answer comes quicker than you think and your blood pressure will thank-you. Make a ripple, sigh deeply, see what happens.
So sorry for not posting yesterday! My computer was taking a well-needed rest. I will be on every day from now on unless it leaves again or my mind goes blank which is not likely:)
So sorry for not posting yesterday! My computer was taking a well-needed rest. I will be on every day from now on unless it leaves again or my mind goes blank which is not likely:)
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Can you spell A D V O C A T E?
The truth is that few of us escape some type of disabling experience in our lives. Many of us bring a disability with us at birth, others receive them along the path. The reason I use the word "receive" is because with the yin comes the yang. We are our worst and best friends. No one knows us better than we ourselves do. It takes confidence, courage and tenacity to be willing to stand up for ourselves to insure our success. Make a ripple, for yourself, and see what happens.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Would you rather be happy or right?
This is something we all struggle with. Sometimes it feels so good to be right about something. We feel so superior and smug at the same time. I struggle with this one! But I am learning the hard way, as always. I am happier when I just know what I know, keep my mouth shut, and give up the arguing.The fact is being happy extinguishes the need to be right and it is much healthier for your insides. Make a ripple, smile broadly, and see what happens.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
"Just in the time of Nick"
Someone who I love dearly has always had a "way with words." She sees life through a different lens and has made me laugh til I cried with her "wordisms." I don't know exactly why or how she scrambles things so well, but I really appreciate her unique "take on life." We all march to a different drummer. It is important to celebrate that! Make a ripple, don't ever do more than "double task," and see what happens.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
The answer is...hot chocolate
A person might ask "what is the question?" I find there are many questions that can be answered by "hot chocolate." One would be, "who's your best friend on a frigid winter day?" Another could be, "what can you make out of chocolate to drink?" Lastly, "how can I make my tummy and family get in to the holiday spirit?" SEE! You might be able to make up some of your own questions in your spare time :) Make a ripple, find the marshmallows, and see what happens.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Do a little dance...
If you know the rest of that song, I know how old you are! Think of the last time you put on your favorite music and danced with wild abandon. You've NEVER done this? REALLY? Even if you are broken, or just worn out it is still the best, least expensive therapy in the world. You can't dance and stay in a bad mood. It just doesn't work that way. So take a page from ELLEN'S book. Make a ripple, shake it up, and see what happens.
Rumpled,Befuddled, and Disgruntled. Got the shirt, tossed it!
Sometimes it's just easier to be grumpy. A person goes into a funk and just stays there. It takes movement to separate yourself from that dark place. We can all try to move, if just a little. We can find one tiny thing to be grateful for and use it as a mantra. We can ask for help. I know it is hard, I have been there for a chunk of my own life. There is always a small light in each one of us, shining in the darkness. Make a ripple, look for the light, and see what happens.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Generosity spreads like butter on hot toast
Thanks to Tom's Turkey Drive for raising so much money this year for complete turkey dinners, and large donations to Second Harvest Food Bank , one of my favorite charities. But generosity goes in many other directions. When we are generous, whether in warmth toward another, or good wishes for all before we go to sleep, we send positive energy into the world and we all can use that! Make a ripple, give of yourself, and see what happens.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
What do your intuition and gut have in common?
In my opinion these two things are at least cousins and at most twin sisters. It's true, your gut might stick out, but at the heart of the matter, your intuition might do the same thing. Only you wouldn't see it. Life can get crazy and these two characters may be trying to steer you in the right direction, but you could be "out of gas." Have you noticed gas prices are going down?! Make a ripple, fill up your tank, and see what happens.
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