Mission Statement
Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world
Saturday, October 31, 2015
C@boy on Halloween
Our little black and white boy has some opinions on this holiday. First of all, don't leave your pet out of the loop. A treat for them would be a good brushing. You should NEVER let your all black cat outside in the evening, something might happen to them. Most pets hate to dress up. He did sort of enjoy doing the "Cat Trump " thing though. All that banging on the front door disturbs his napping. But he wants you to know that the spirit of his best friend Bear, the red wolf he grew up with lives in our basement. I have to believe him because I hear the noises, too!
Friday, October 30, 2015
A Duel Perspective " Witch Hunting!"
The "hunting of witches" has long been a past time of conservative ideologues. The 11 hour grilling of Hillary Clinton by the Benghazi panel led by the "inquisitor in chief," Trey Goudy, remind me of several 'witch hunts' in the past: The McCarthy hearings, The Inquisition and torture of Galileo , and The Salem Witch Trials. All are examples of groups with pre-conceived opinions and facts. All were designed to ruin the reputations of the witnesses and pressure the person(s) to recant what they KNEW to be true. What justifies this abuse? The minimum total cost of the 3 year, 32 hearing Benghazi fiasco is about 20 MILLION DOLLARS! How many other ways could our TAXPAYERS MONEY have been spent?! I can think of two important ones: education and medical for all! I certainly would like to have had a say in MY MONEY! Only if conservative ideologues accept reality will these "Witch Hunts" end! Voters, what are we willing to do? WAKE UP!!!!
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Who would you give a standing ovation?
I guess I should have said who or what would cause you to do this! Think about it. We know who "Pisses us off!!" but, lets look at the other side. I gave many standing ovations to the POPE. What a wonderful, kind man who is the essence of love. I give one to MALALA. She is the essence of humanity, standing up for the rights of young girls to learn, everywhere. I stand for OPRAH. Look at all the goodness she has spread and her spirit. I stand for ELLEN, when someone can make me laugh even on my darkest day, they deserve it, and I am being reminded by C@boy of her love for cats, and I stand up for C@boy who is pushing 20 years old. I stand up for my dear friend who is battling cancer for the second time with courage and a smile on her face. I stand for anyone who is getting up each day trying to make a better world for all of us. I stand up for you.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
to our 4th year! I wanted to put this thought in your head today. Everything matters. Make that part of your great, happy, love-filled day!
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Celebrate with me!!!
Today is the end of our third year together! 3 years! Hard to believe I have been able to write 824 posts! I never thought I could do it. We are all over the world, in all the continents except the extreme North and South. I couldn't have done it without you. The best is yet to come! Namaste'
Monday, October 26, 2015
Be grateful
to someone who believes in you. Learn to believe in yourself. Face it, we can't water our plants with a teaspoon of water. We can't love well, if we don't love ourselves. We can't be happy, if we don't find a way to be that way. I have said it before. We have to believe in our own goodness, we have to see the goodness in others. It is a long process, and it can be hard. But, is it worth the work. We seem to be good at all this other garbage! Why not try the alternative?!?
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Why not
think about what kind of recreation we are doing? Why not think about doing things that are fun, that make us think, or become a better person? Why not learn about other cultures and think about what might help others? Why not go to movies that entertain? Why not play games that make us feel good and test our skills? The world we live in condones and magnifies violence. Look at one of the new T.V. shows, it is about a couple who go around and kill people for fun. Look at so many of the video games kids "play" that are violent. I know, it sells, and money is GOD, right. Forget about our souls and spirits that are constantly bombarded with this stuff. I know it is our choice to watch and participate in these things, but how many alternatives are we shown? When society is totally desensitized, how do we expect them to act in a humane manner that is becoming foreign to them?!? How scary is that?!
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Give yourself
permission to be a kid today. I know, I know, stuff to do... Well, add this in. One of the things I used to do and still do but not as much is doodle. I remember times staring out of the window at school and doodling at the same time. Such a multitask er I was! Later, I invested in all sorts of colored pencils so that all my doodles could be colorful. I could have made up my own coloring book! That reminds me that they have all sorts of coloring books now for young and old. Coloring is such a soothing thing. My point, do some things that make you feel young and unencumbered today. We have too much other stuff that makes us have to be adults!
Friday, October 23, 2015
A male perspective: Politically Incorrect
The "Great Alaskan Slave Auction," REALLY? The event was organized by the good people of Alaska to raise money. The local NAACP objected to the term "Slave Auction." The organization's head responded by saying that previously slaves had been made of the local Native Americans and he didn't hear any of them complaining. You wonder why peope of color are angry, upset and feel marginalized. Attitudes like the one represented by this A*hole who is out of touch, ignorant, or just doesn't give a damn about who he is offending just may be part of the problem. Maybe "just a little bit of political (human respectfulness) correctness" would be helpful.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
What would happen if...
we woke up with a positive thought every day? If we held love above all feelings? If we spent our money on helping people, not throwing them under the bus? We took the time to find the beauty in life instead of ugliness? We took a breath before saying something we might regret? We tried to smile even if we didn't feel like it? Or, if we gave thought, daily to creating the world we want and need for all of us.? What would happen?
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
6 down,
I don't know how many to go. Yesterday was a beautiful day! It was probably the last of the really warm 65 degree days. It was a perfect day to go out and kick leaves around. However, I was sent out by C@boy to do some raking. Sure, thanks, all he has to do is supervise from the front window. Well, 2 1/2 hours later and 6 of the 39 gallon bags later, I have a patch on my lawn about 6 X 6 that will be leafless until the first breeze or 30 something degree temperature happens. I guess all that matters is that I have a satisfied cat for having watched me work so hard while he sat in his nest watching and yawning.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
"Boys to Men"
There used to be a really good R & B band with that name. I believe that was an appropriate name for them. I do see there is a new T.V. show on called "Super Girl." When I was younger, I used to watch "Wonder Woman." It used to make me feel like maybe I could do anything. I may be sensitive, but I have NEVER seen a show called "Super Boy." I wonder why?!? To me, it is sort of a slap on the face to see a grown woman called "Super Girl." To me a girl is someone who is 10 years old. Yes, I know I am being a little sensitive, or at least maybe some might say so, but, think about it. In an age when we are being led back to the 1950's in our women's rights by a bunch of "young white rich boys," there might be room for some thought on the subject.
Monday, October 19, 2015
is not just a popular children's movie. It is the state of my computer, today. To make things worse, it is the state of my mind when I have to come up with a post when it is nap time. Sorry. If the computer is on it's best behavior, and it better be tomorrow, we will see you in the morning, just like always. Have a good rest of your day!
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Are you hungry?
We put gas in our cars. We fill the fluids in our cars. We feed ourselves with food (if we can,) but how often do we feel our souls? The plants get thirsty, they need nourishment. But how often do we think of the thing that actually keeps us going? There are many ways to feed the soul. A long walk, just breathing, and taking in the beauty, moments of meditation to quiet all the talk in our heads, thinking of someone we love, and realizing what is REAL in our lives are some ways of nourishing our souls. What happens when we neglect this? Look around.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
a great day. Take a deep breath, listen to the birds, kick some leaves , then rake them and bag them. Have hot cocoa, hug a loved one. Brush a pet (that is from C@boy) Be grateful to be alive and let yourself and other's know it. Today is all we have.
Friday, October 16, 2015
A Male Perspective: Mama's don't let your baby's grow up to play football
Football has become an obsession in America today, almost like a rite of passage for many young men and boys. As a player and coach of many years, I can attest to the fact that there is NOTHING safe about football. Football, by it's very nature is a contact sport. However, the human body is not able to withstand the constant pounding inflicted by the game. Back in the 'leather helmet and no face mask' days, it was actually safer. Blocking and tackling technique emphasized use of the arms and shoulders. With the advent of the hard shelled helmet and iron face mask, the emphasis turned toward leading with the head and using the helmet as a weapon to inflict as much damage as possible. The results have both short and long-term debilitating injuries. Brain damage from repeated concussions, confinement in a wheelchair, and premature death are seen. The positives for playing (and yes, there are a few) such as teamwork and camaraderie are short term. On the other hand, the long-term consequences will last a life time.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
your own house first. We are really good at looking outside ourselves for a lot of things. It may be what we are taught. It is easy to blame someone else for things. It is much harder to assess blame when we look at ourselves first. We are not taught to accept that we might do something wrong or start something that ends badly. So what I am suggesting, for all of us, is to make sure we know who we are, what we want and what is right and fair for us to start. I know when I feel good about myself, it is easier for me to see the best in other's. Shouldn't we start at the beginning, instead of the middle like we do more times than not. I just think it behooves us to REALLY THINK for once. Forgive ourselves for whatever we perceive has been wrong action, and change it going forward. How would that affect the world?
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Digging out
Well, here we are in a hole again. It is far from the worst one we have dug, but it is still a doozie. Where to start...poverty, women's rights, immigration, civil rights, wages, infrastructure, college debt, Mother Earth... just to name a few. What is WRONG WITH US? Maybe if we went back to bartering? Maybe if we took some lessons on being real human beings who genuinely cared about each-other. The only good thing I can think of is that we have always found our way back. Will we this time? I am pretty sure APATHY IS NOT THE ANSWER!!!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Old Fashoned Words
Back in the day, there was a word "virtue." Do you know what that means? When was the last time we heard that word? I heard it in a sentence yesterday, on one of my favorite news shows. It was mentioned by a former Senator, John Danforth. He was being asked what had happened to our government, why there was so much effort used to DO NOTHING, or to keep anything from happening. His answer was short, and to the point! He said, back then, "Virtue was a commitment to the common good." Do we even know about virtue any more? Do we think about the "COMMON GOOD?" I am still thinking about what this man said, and the look on his face that we have come so far in the wrong direction. Maybe we ought to listen to the Democratic Debates, tonight. Let's listen for ideas that will help us heal this chasm that has formed and find someone who has the virtues we need to continue and lead us for the common good.
Monday, October 12, 2015
for help. Let's face it, as wonderful as life can be, it can also be tragic. As a society, we are ill-equipt to deal with some of life's more serious problems. We are seldom taught to communicate, mostly to keep things to ourselves, and suck it up. I don't know how that works for you, but it backfires EVERY TIME for me. We are supposed to "GROW UP," don't whine, etc. Guess what, that doesn't work. Our brains don't work that way. They suggest other things sometimes that are not in anyone's best interest. It would be wonderful if we could learn how to handle life's difficulties at a young age. Our society does not value this type of information, so we are kind of on our own. If we are fortunate, we have a strong support system to lift us up and give us direction, but if we are not and feel like we have to shoulder it all on our own, then where are we? I don't care how far down we get, we need to know that there is SOMEONE SOMEWHERE who will care enough to listen to our frustration, and hurt, and be compassionate. It is my deepest hope/wish that we all are able to access this type of help when WE need it and BE that help when someone else does.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Swirling, twirling, chasing
winds, blowing leaves in and out of piles. Wind chimes clacking, tangling, pinging, shining in the autumn sunlight catch my eye and ears. Colors of the harvest, warm and bright, leaves change color in the night. Walking crisply, kicking deeply, smelling Mother Earth getting ready to go Ni Nite. Autumn glows, invites us out, before the winter sends us in.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
The bigger picture v.s...
the smaller picture. We seem to always be full of ideas of how to "fix" things. We come up with these grand schemes that seldom, if ever work. There are too many dollars involved to change gun laws. We are proving that. Some years ago, a car company decided NOT to install seat belts in the back of the car. Their reasoning, well, the seat belts cost $7 dollars and even if a certain amount of people died, or were injured, it would be cheaper not to put the seat belts in. This is a true story! The truth is money is always the reason things are not done. Money is GOD! Well, I have a thought that might alleviate our waiting on something that may never come. It is called "PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!" What would happen, it we all just used some of our "Personal Responsibility?" What would happen if we looked at our own lives and assessed what we, ourselves could do to change something that is terribly wrong in a non-violent and conscience way? What would happen if we talked to our friends about changing our own ways, about starting a ripple affect. We can call our congress persons. All their numbers are listed in the latest "People." The point is, hand wringing will not work. Waiting on the people who continue to care less will not work. The only thing that will work is if WE dig in and do something. If people in government will not help us, those OBSTRUCTIONISTS, lets vote them out?!!!
Friday, October 9, 2015
A Male perspective Out of Commission : (
My friend who writes AMP, had minor surgery yesterday, so I gave him until next week off. He already has a great topic. Keep him in your thoughts, everything went well. We all deserve to have time off for health care.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Take another breath
It rained yesterday. It had been a while since we had had one that actually gave the ground a good drink. It has been a long dry summer, and we really needed it. We are in the midst of changing seasons, both emotionally and in our physical world. So, when it rained, I thought about all the air that could be cleansed. In my life, there has been some upheaval lately, both personally and with the health of my loved ones. I have decided to let the rain wash away the unhealthy debris attached to it. I am looking with gratitude that things are being resolved, and that my loved ones have great medical care. Sometimes it is hard to hold ourselves right in choppy water, but, it doesn't stay that way. The rain can come along and the waves can settle down. We just need to hold on and know that.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
The results of my one dear friend's surgery was the best outcome. My other dear friend has surgery in the morning. Thank you for your support. I know that your well-wishes and good thoughts of light have given and will give them both the best outcome. One of them is in for a long haul. Please keep both in the light. Again, thank you! Go out and kick a pile of leaves if you have them, I will do the same and take a long deep breath of gratitude.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
An experiment
Here is an experiment for today. Talk to people and see if they can tell you what you really said. I was having a conversation with someone, recently, and they scrambled up what I said to them. What he heard was nothing compared to what I said. It was almost funny. So, for today, really listen to what someone is telling you. The way to do this is to listen and not plan what you are going to say while someone else is talking. The reason I know this is because I have certainly been guilty of it. Try this today. You might learn something.
Monday, October 5, 2015
The power of many
Today, I am asking for your help. Two of my dearest friends are facing a health crisis. I know that the more people who shine the light on them the better. In return, I will shine the light on all of you as I do every day. If you have a loved one, or just anyone, who is facing these things, wrap them in the light. You will never know how comforting it is for all and the enormous impact it has to them. Thank-you!
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Give yourself
time today to make a list of all you are grateful for. I think we sometimes dwell on all the crap in our lives instead of realizing all the good things we have. It is easy to feel that way when we are busy and tired, and many times feeling unsupported. I get it. But when I let myself get into that rut, things do not get better, and I feel like crap. I have started a new habit of listing my gratitude each night when I crawl into bed. Now, I am listing the same feelings in the morning. No matter what happens, it gives me something to anchor onto. I also feel that it is easier to create happiness in our lives when we are "cup 1/2 full." So, enjoy your day and feel the gratitude down to your toes. You will enjoy the smile, I promise.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
An 8 lying sideways
makes the infinity sign. As a person who is really into numbers, this is significant! Today is my 800th post. Say it again, 800! Since October, 2013, I have written 800 different posts. So, if you ever want to take some time to look back to where we have come from, be my guest. I am proud that I have written all these posts and am in 45 countries WITHOUT the use of ANY social media. Celebrate with me today! I have stuck with something for 3 years! Luckily, I love to write and get inspiration from literally every one and every thing, including YOU!
Friday, October 2, 2015
A male perspective : ' The new normal '
I recently learned of another mass shooting on a college campus. My reaction was sadness, anger, and grief, but not surprise. I am not surprised that these instances continue to happen. We will hear a lot of talk, excuses, and explanations from politicians, pundunts, and the NRA, but no meaningful action. As a society, we should be ashamed of ourselves that we do not have THE COLLECTIVE WILL to make the changes necessary to stop this madness. By being reactive as opposed to proactive, we are saying that nothing can be done and that this is just a 'normal thing' that we will have to accept.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Con flicted
I don't know about you, but I don't like conflict. When I was younger, it didn't seem to bother me much, but, thankfully, my heart has softened over the years. Right now, my plate is pretty full of some heavy stuff, including some conflict. It has been going on for several months and I am really worn out over it. How do we decide when our rights are being violated, and we have repeatedly asked someone to do the right thing, with no response, to handle a situation? I know I was about at the end of my rope. Then, I decided to just stop. I held the person in the light with a group of friends, and a wonderful thing happened. He did the right thing. I never want to think the worst of anyone. Maybe if I had held him in the light, things would have dissipated sooner. I know it is important to treat everyone with respect. Maybe, both of us have learned a lesson from all this.
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