Mission Statement
Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world
Friday, October 31, 2014
It's Halloween, that scariest of days. Unfortunately, it is scary for a much different reason, indifference. It is not for Halloween, but for voting. I know that mid-term elections are generally no big deal, but this one is! I know some of you are saying, oh, well, nothing is happening anyway. Some of you have been brainwashed to think that one certain person is responsible. REALLY?! This vote is so important unless you are really happy being repressed, taken advantage of, and disrespected. Is voter suppression o k with you? How about having someone dictate what you can and can't do medically with your body? If you are an immigrant, do you not deserve, after working hard in this country to become a real part of it? Does everyone get paid enough money to live on one job? Are you o k with the wealthiest 1% buying the votes of our leaders, because they have theirs? Is it o k to be saddled with educational debt and lack of medical care? If you have answered "yes" to any of these questions, you are one of the 1%, you are HAPPY with the status quo, or just in denial! Make a ripple, vote for the interests of ALL, see what happens.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Fear takes away
all your energy! It seems as if some politicians think the way to get what they want is to always keep us fearful. The sad thing is that it works. Fear puts us in the fight-or-flight mode. It constricts our heart and interrupts the working of our bodies organs. Happiness, strength, and optimism go right out the window. Is that the way you want to live? Me neither! So I say be informed about the things that seem off-putting to you. Tell fear it is not welcome in your life. Shine the pure white light on everything and everyone and go about your business. Make a ripple, put fear in the garbage, see what happens.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Can you feel it?
A friend of mine used to say, "nobody cares how you feel." On a pragmatic level, I get it. However, I care how I feel, and that's good because I feel everything all the time. I cry at the drop of a hat if I see something sad, or incredibly wonderful. My heart fills up when I think of the people who love me, and who I love, yes, Catboy, that includes you! I feel wonder at the beauty of nature. I feel excited to honor my intuition, which never fails me. I also feel crushed, angry and disappointed when someone is hurt in any way. The thing I try to do is let go of any negative feelings rapidly as they do not serve me. But the happy feelings, bring them on 24-7! Make a ripple, feel it, see what happens.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Let's hear it for....
In Hawaii this week, an overflowing volcano was threatening a village. People were asked to re-locate, it was coming so close and fast. In an effort to make sure EVERYONE COULD VOTE, new poling places were set up and early voting was implemented!!!! Gee, I thought this was the way it was supposed to work, everyone getting a chance to vote and measures being taken so that they could use this precious right. What is wrong with the rest of us? I hope everyone is o k in Hawaii, and I know for sure their rights are being watched over. Good for them! Make a ripple, let's take a page from their book, and see what happens.
Monday, October 27, 2014
We are one!
Today is the first anniversary of "Let's make a ripple!" It is hard to believe that we are a year old, 410 posts, 27 countries and counting. I could not have done this without a lot of support, from the person who talked me into writing it, K. to my dear friend S. who helped me set it up. I am so fortunate to have friends who give me ideas, and love me no matter what I come up with. I am grateful to all of you for sharing my vision! I know in my heart that we are making a difference in ourselves, and the world. Tomorrow is the first day of the second year! Make a ripple, remember that we are all one, see what happens.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Today is...
International Gratitude Day. I'll start. I am glad I woke up today! The sun was out for a change! I have lots of people who love me! Catboy is healthy and going strong at 18.5! I got to go see my favorite basketball team at a practice free, yesterday! Today, I have no voice at all! The fall colors are spectacular! I am healthy! The bills are paid! Did I say, I have lots of people who love me? Did I say they are kind and interesting? Well, by now you kinda get the drift of what this day I made up is all about. Make a ripple, make your own list, see what happens.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Who's your family?
Some people have the traditional family. I don't. Yet I have the best family ever in the form of extended people. Last night I saw the movie "St Vincent." It explores not only things hidden, but what a family really is. It was heart warming to see not only a happy ending, but also reinforcement that judgement and family are something different for everyone. Judgement is something I think we can all do without, because it causes separation, and clouds our view of what is real. Family, to me, has become the ones who love and support me. Sometimes, our real family falls short of that, through death or behaviors. I say, celebrate those who celebrate you. Always give yourself the time to look beyond the obvious. Go see "Saint Vincent!" You will not be disappointed, and it may give you some new ways to look at things. Make a ripple, "look with a different eye," see what happens.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Hidden things
Although it was dark and rainy, I still decided to go out and celebrate the solar eclipse. Part of the reason I did it is because they are rarely seen in the part of the country where I live, and it was during a day where there were a few sun breaks. Let me put it this way, one sun break. It was also the new moon, so there I was, at the park. It made me realize that just because something is hidden, it doesn't mean it is not there. I wonder what things we miss because we simply can't see them. Hmmm.. Make a ripple, pay attention, see what happens.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
It is a dark and stormy day
Well, it is dark and rainy. If you are lucky enough to live in certain areas, you will be able, hopefully, to see the partial solar eclipse at about 1:30 this afternoon. You might have to adjust for your time zone. It is also the new moon which is the best time to start a new project. Make a ripple, check it out, see what happens.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
If you slam the door...
I should just write a book about all the sayings from my mom and grama. One of them is this: "If you slam the door shut, nothing can get in." This is one it took me a while to get when I was little. After all I didn't especially like bugs and I was forever slamming the door on them. However, I think some of the lessons I was being given were metaphoric! What I am learning is to leave the door open a crack, just in case something wonderful is coming. Not much else to say about that. Make a ripple, leave your door open, just a little, see what happens.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Just be aware!
With the mid-term elections upon us, I want to stress that the people who say making everyone have I D will prevent voter fraud, THERE IS NO VOTER FRAUD! Making people present I D affects turn out of those who typically vote Democratic. What a SLEAZY way to get your people into office. SHAME ON YOU. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!!!!! Re-districting does the same thing! Why don't you just do the right thing for once!?! I know that you have yours, but we ALL should have ours. We are all human beings and deserve fairness. Make a ripple, SUPPORT THE TRUTH!, see what happens.
Don't put me in the box
I think there is a difference between naming something and labeling it. A name can describe something, but putting a label on it seems to put it in a category it can't get out of. I have never done well in the box anyway. I have fought to stay out of it. This has led to some interesting situations, and made me very aware of paying attention to the boundaries I must have. Still, most of the people I know, who are close to me and the most interesting, avoid the box, at least some of the time. Make a ripple, be who you are, see what happens.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Looking forward
It was a beautiful fall day, yesterday. It actually got up to the 70's! I know for sure we don't have many of those kind of days left so I took out my handy "digger" and planted some colorful bulbs for the spring. Of course, I had to rake away all the dead leaves that have fallen, but I used the time to celebrate my two favorite seasons. I am not to crazy about extremes, so winter and summer are low on my list. But I am trying to embrace fall with all it's color and think about what the season means. As well, I am sort of skipping thinking about winter and looking forward to all the new things. What I am learning is to embrace all the parts of life, all the cycles, and their meanings. To be present is the only way to be, but it is also nice to look forward. Make a ripple, jump in the leaves, see what happens.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Celebrate your freedom
If you live in a country where there is no voter suppression, celebrate that! If you live in a country where a person's wages allow them to live comfortably, celebrate that! If you live in a country that knows the importance of having time off with pay and good maternity leave for the father or mother giving them enough time to actually bond with their child, celebrate that! If you live in a country where all are created equal, celebrate that! if you live in a country where education and medical are free, celebrate that! It feels as if the rest of us have a lot of work to do, doesn't it. Make a ripple, work toward it, see what happens.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
I am livid! One of a few states in the US is getting away with making people show ID to vote. Please! To their shame, the US Supreme Court is allowing this. It makes me know, for sure, how corrupt we really are. It shows me how out of balance we really are. Nowhere has it EVER been proven that this measure was needed. We have such a low amount of voter fraud, it is hardly measurable. However, it has been proven with out a doubt, that the people pushing this nonsense get a lot more votes when these laws are allowed. I said it before, and I will say it again. If you have to cheat to win, you are nothing but a loser. Make a ripple, help us change this travesty, see what happens.
I took my own advice, thanks Cindy!
Remember the thing about the list so long... Well, I am proud to report I actually took a big bite out of it yesterday. I must admit, I even did part of the thing that scares me the most. One way that made it easier, was that the people I had to talk to were ALL nice, patient, and helpful. It only takes one bad experience for me to shy away from these situations, and yesterday I was met with nothing but kindness. I guess what I take away from this is that people are just doing their job and they might be having a bad day. If it is my day to have my face ripped off, I can hang up or ask if they are indeed having a bad day. So, I want to thank Cindy from PEBB for all the patience and time she spent with me, carefully answering every question. Talking to her led me to try and make some other phone calls I needed to make. I hope her boss recognizes what a wonderful employee she is. Being on the phone with people all day takes a special kind of person. Make a ripple, appreciate them! see what happens.
Friday, October 17, 2014
When things stack up...
take a deep breath. Lately, my list of things to do has been lengthening. It is so long, I can't find the end of it. Maybe you have the same problem. Some of it is time sensitive, some of it is the pressure I put on myself to get things done I have long put off. What I am learning is that I can only do one thing at a time, then take a breath and give myself a pat on the back for getting it done. Sometimes it helps me to use a colorful pen to scratch it off the list, or a smiley face as an "atta girl." The list doesn't seem to shorten very fast, but I need to celebrate the fact that I am whittling away at it every day. Gone are the days of trying to multi-task all the time. I will do one thing at a time and do a good job of it. Make a ripple, be gentle with yourself, see what happens.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Copyright information
l.c. hogue, Let's Make A Ripple, October 27, 2013 and continuing. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
Just a note to let you know I am updating and trying to improve this website. Some things are being fixed easily and others are giving us lessons in patience. One of the things I need to do is copyright my posts. The following post will do that, and I appreciate your continued support and patience! We are all making a ripple.
There's a saying...
"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything!" Thanks, mom for that one. It stuck with me, too! If I have mine and I can keep you busy and scared, I can continue to rule the world. I know we are in a sorry state. I know, also, that we have been here before. We are more than just the sum of our parts. We are the 99%! They have had "theirs," to our detriment way to long. Make a ripple, lets stand up, see what happens.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Get up offa
that thing! The mid-term elections are starting now, and it is said that people vote less in these elections. What a shame. This must mean that we are all satisfied with the way things are going. Hmmm.. So, we are happy with the crappy minimum wage not being raised, women's health rights are just fine being taken away, voting rights are being rescinded, education not being funded is good, our infrastructure crumbling is fine, people just like us are being turned away from the American dream, (by the way, we are all immigrants, just luckier than some,) Can you tell I am fired up?!!! There are ways to change the world, but sitting on our asses and complaining while doing nothing just doesn't change anything, does it?! What would happen if we all took a genuine interest in making things better? This is not just a U.S. idea, is it? But all need to stand up and say, "we won't take this anymore," and vote for what we need and want. Make a ripple, start something, see what happens.
Poo Poo Pe Doopie
Just a warning, this might be TMI. I awoke this morning to find a tidy pile of "kitty roca." I think sometimes we get caught up in our bus i ness. I have been raking, sweeping, clearing, stashing leaves that fall so rapidly, I can't tell that I raked, and swept. It is that time between seasons and it is full of indoor and outdoor stuff to do. Guess whose kitty potty got neglected by ONE day? Someone is unbelievably spoiled in so many ways, but Catboy is well-versed in giving me cues. What cues are your pets giving you? Are they a little neglected at the moment? Make a ripple, save yourself the "pile," see what happens.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Sometimes it's good
to stop, and do nothing. Do you notice that some days whatever we try to do, everything seems to challenge us. Yesterday, my lovely, wonderful printer told me to change my ink cartridge. So, being the compliant person I am (?) I changed all the ink cartridges. Black, o k, yellow, o k, cyan, o k, but oh, that Magenta! I tried every trick I could think of as it continuously told me there was no cartridge in Magenta. I got really frustrated, which made matters worse and my poor printer was in jeopardy of being..... So I got up and walked away. Turns out it was a faulty cartridge and I just had to exchange it. My point here is to not let everyday irritants, like my computer freezing several times this morning, set us back. I know there is a lesson in this! Make a ripple, be patient, see what happens.
Monday, October 13, 2014
If you fall off the horse...
get back on. My old and cranky grama used to have all these sayings. She like my mom, used to say so many things over and over when I was young. Well, this is one that stuck. In my opinion, these days, it is just cool that we can get on the horse, but this saying has merit. It never hurts to try something that is a challenge, and if it doesn't work, try, try again. Anything worth having, learning, experiencing, is worth the work it takes to get it! Make a ripple, become whole, see what happens.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Consider this
Yesterday was "International Day of the Girl." I celebrate and honor the fact that we have a day such as this, but it made me wonder if there shouldn't be an "International Day of Dignity and Respect for All." This would be a day when we gave equal opportunity to EVERYONE. What a concept!!! And, what if "IDofDandRforA." was celebrated EVERY DAY!?! Make a ripple, make it happen!
Saturday, October 11, 2014
With a full heart
The past few weeks have been wonderful. I have been on a beautiful vacation with the man who owns my heart and I have gotten to spend quality time with the friends who lift me up. Sometimes I think we don't notice how fortunate we really are. If being loved is measured in wealth, I am a zillionaire! Make a ripple, realize where true wealth lies, see what happens.
Friday, October 10, 2014
What color is love?
I have been a little confused lately, truthfully, for a long time. I see things that go so far against what I was taught when I was young, it confounds me. It makes me wonder other things, like what color is equality? This all sounds weird, but think about it. Money runs the world, rich white men run the world. But wait, are there other people in the world? What about the women who birth these men? The world is A RAINBOW! The world is not just one belief. Love knows no color, love knows no gender, love is just love. It seems to me we have gotten really off track. Make a ripple, PAY ATTENTION!l see what happens.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
The soothing sounds...
of Catboy are what I am experiencing every night now. He has fallen (pun intended) in to his pre-winter behavior. All the new nests have been made and one of them is just inches from my head on the love seat. At first it was just occasionally, now, it is every night followed by a nice long stint laying on me and purring so loudly, I have to turn up the T V. I think he is trying to tell me it is o k to slow down and be content. I am not really a sitter, so that is a bit of a lesson for me. He reminds me that this can be a time of introspection, and that all the chaos in the news does not have to "ruffle my feathers," that I can just wrap everything in light and take that deep breath I sometimes forget to take. I don't know how I got so lucky to have such a wise cat, but I am thankful every day for his lessons. Make a ripple, pet your wise one, see what happens.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
What's your priority?
A friend of mine has been talking to me a lot about how much her job stresses her out. This has been going on for at least a year or more. Initially, I tried to talk her out of it because it is a decent paying job with good benefits, but she persisted in feeling she needed to leave. She has now made the decision, and is leaving soon. I saw the relief on her face, yesterday. Life is to short to be somewhere we are miserable, it takes our soul and joy away and it is replaced with bleakness. I know we have to be responsible, but to whom?! My friend will be better, she already is. Make a ripple, nourish your soul, see what happens.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
For some reason, I am receiving some of your comments, and can read them, but I can't publish them. I have been trying to rectify this, but to no avail. Your comments are important to me, so please keep making them. If you don't see that they have been noted, or published, just know that it is my old dinosauer, acting in her onery fashion. Thanks!
Don't judge today's problems...
by what has happened before. I have studied this. The mind wants to protect us by going back to some previous trauma and matching it up with something happening now. I can see how this might have worked in the cave man days for protection, but now, as far as I see it, it is much better to keep that stuff in the past and create more positive thoughts around problems. We all know, by now, that our thoughts create our reality, so I say, surround your problems with light, realize that if you are making a similar problem, you can look and react another way. Make a ripple, realize you have the power, see what happens.
Monday, October 6, 2014
We are all entitled to a
do over. Have you ever started something, only to find out it wasn't exactly what you wanted?! I sure have. Sometimes I start something out of spite, sometimes out of anger, or just being misguided. It is o k to stop, take a breath, and start over. I think the only part that doesn't work is to continue to do something we know feels wrong, knowing it won't work. So today is "Do over Day!" Make a ripple, make it right, see what happens.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
We are all doing the best we can...
for the moment we are in. I sometimes wonder, "why did I do that?!" We are a product of our society and our upbringing, or lack there of. It seems as if judgement is my hardest thing, I am really working on that. But, sometimes, things just pop up, and it is sort of a shock. The good news is that we can observe ourselves and how we feel or react to our own actions. We can slow down and ask ourselves if that is truly who we are, or who we want to be. Change is often painful, but, it is possible to shave off those rough corners, and show our soft underbelly. Make a ripple, check it out, see what happens.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Serendipity v s Coincidence
I believe there are no coincidences in life. I do believe in serendipity! It has happened in my life on such a regular basis, I just accept it. What we think about the most is what we bring. If I need an answer to a question, I ask for a sign. The sign always shows up to let me know. If I need to get that wonderful blueberry apple sauce that only one store carries, it is there waiting on the shelf for me. Sometimes, I have to enlist a tall man to reach it for me, but that is just another bonus. What I am trying to say and have said many times is that our thoughts CREATE our lives. If you don't believe me, think of a person you haven't seen in a while, I will guarantee you will run into them within a week. If they are dead, they will show up in your dream. Make a ripple, think hard about what you REALLY WANT,rsee what happens.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Build your own nest
It's that time of year again when we frantically try and get our yards in order, blowing out sprinklers, in my case dragging hoses to the garage, doing that last mowing, and gathering up all the debris. We are working our way into, dare I say it, winter and hibernation. I wish for all of us that fall lasts and lasts, but I see the signs everywhere, leaves are turning and some falling, nights are turning cold. Catboy has forsaken his summer bed and now chooses to make "nests" all over the house. A carelessly tossed sweater now has become his personal sleeping space, a large pillow with my napping blanket, his best friend. He uses it at night to sit on and bat me with his tail until I either brush him, or pet him continuously. My point here is everyone needs a nest this time of year. We need a soft, comfy place to light and stay warm. Make a ripple, create your own nest, see what happens.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Among the living
A dear friend of mine has turned a corner. It fills me with such joy to see it happen. A while ago, she lost her beloved dad. His illness ripped through her family, yet they stayed together, unlike some families. It affected her more profoundly than most. She has been in my thoughts and wrapped in light for some time, but I was worried. Life is all about choices. How and when we are able to make them is different for all people. She has that "locus of control" I speak about. Deep inside, there is a light that refuses to go out. I am happy to report that I saw her yesterday, and she looks great. She is getting stronger every day, and knows that her dad would want her to be the shining beacon she always has been. Make a ripple, celebrate life, see what happens.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Yeah Special K!
Here is a cereal company who has a commercial about buying jeans saying "you are more than a number" for the size. It uses positive descriptions such as "sassy" in stead of sizes. It makes me feel good, and speaks to so much media that is size oriented. Let's hear it for them! It is also one of my favorite cereals. They are making a ripple and I salute them!
Dig this!
I have to admit that the 70's were my favorite decade so far. I loved the jargon, the colors (with the exception of orange), the music, and the intensity my friends and I lived in. We were sure we could change the world, and we tried hard to see that happen, my friend, Jesse, saying repeatedly, "can you dig it?!" Flash forward to this weekend when a dear friend and I were wandering around downtown. It was a beautiful fall day, large containers of flowers and greenery were overflowing and those big balls of million bell's were hanging, breathtakingly in all their glory from the lamp posts while a lone sax player (and he was so good) played at the entrance of the mall. Scene set. I looked over to my left to to see a sticker on a car that said, "Dig Life." See where I am going here? Make a ripple, shake your groove thing, see what happens.
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