Mission Statement
Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Pack it up!
I don't know about you, but, personally, 2014 was a pretty good year for me. It had it's up's and downs, but, mostly up's. The world wasn't so "lucky." So I am glad to see this year get packed up. We have no where else to go but up now, and I believe we all can see that happen if we stay in the moment, and live in gratitude. Catboy believes that I should add frequent naps, stretching, and letting someone love and pet you often. I believe he has the right idea!
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Know that each day is a gift!
I am so excited that I woke up today! O K, that sounds weird, but each day is a new chance to do something wonderful. It is a do-over for what ever didn't work yesterday. How cool is that! So, today, I am going to pass out smiles and joy to all I see, and try and not freeze into a Popsicle. Make a ripple, share the joy, see what happens.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Another great human!
My hat is off to a gentleman who answered a plethora of questions I had this morning. Not only was he patient, but so pleasant and willing to make sure I had all the information I needed. I do a lot of business over the phone and I get from soup to nuts, sometimes. This man, Rodney Ford, at DRS, was wonderful and I hope that his co workers and boss appreciate such a great employee! I certainly do. Make a ripple, take a page, see what happens.
It is the time of the year when I take inventory. I have long ago given up on the New Year's Resolutions as we all know they don't work. But I do try to look realistically at what the last year (s) have entailed. Sometimes, I look too far back and get depressed about some choices I have made along the way, tho I have decided I really do like who I am. I know that is a combination of all I have been, done, and learned. So the next time you start to feel less than happy with who you have been, remember, it has brought you here. We all need a little tweaking, but there is goodness and generosity in all of us. That is how we will make our ripple.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
I"m dreaming of a...
white day after Christmas. Well, not really. It is beautiful, and now that it is getting really cold, here to stay for awhile. My great idea is that it might snow on the grass, rooftops, and all ski hills, but no where else. I don't relish all the crazy people who, oops, didn't get their snow tires yet, or are just stupid drivers. It makes me think about the fact that something so light can cause chaos, slipping and sliding, crashing and banging. It seems to me, it's the opposite in people. When we are light, all things come to us. Make a ripple, lighten up! see what happens.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Laughter is contagious!
Have you ever noticed that it is almost impossible not to laugh around people who are laughing? This reaction to happiness at it's best is so wonderful, and we do it so infrequently. How do you feel when you laugh? It makes me feel so good, and the louder the better. I know, we're so proper. Well, for today, I am going to find lots of stuff that makes me laugh, and I am going to spread that around to all I encounter. There is a book my mom used to read. It was called "Laughter is the Best Medicine." Maybe we should all get a copy and read it en mass! That would show them, and we would surely see what would happen.
Friday, December 26, 2014
Whew, that was fast!
The presents are opened, the mess is cleaned up. Another holiday under our belts. It always amazes me the effort put in on these types of things. It makes me even more aware that being grateful every day is the greatest thing ever, and wanting little is a virtue. One of the best gifts I received was a donation to a place in Africa which helps set up farms and food sources for the people. It is named "HEIFER." It filled my heart to receive this gift, as I have donated previously, and this year, couldn't. I thank my dear friends for doing so for me! We all know that presents are not always things, presence is our time and effort toward other's, by staying in each precious moment. Make a ripple, see what happens.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
You are the present!
In some places, today is Christmas. Obviously, in other's it is not. But there is something we can give, all of us, that is invaluable. It is the gift of being present. Sounds easy, but it goes against how our society works. So, just for today, "be here now" as Ram Dass suggested. Then, when you master being in the moment, continue with that behavior. The world would change quickly for the better if we all could practice that! Catboy sends his best, as do all of us to all of you! He is sleeping in his Christmas box with his green holiday ribbon. Smile, laugh, love and stay in the moment! See what happens.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
How appropriate!
While watching T V mindlessly last night, I picked up these words from part of a song. I don't know the name or artist. "We are how we treat each-other, nothing more!" WOW!
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
in a quandry
I have been talking to a good friend about the movie that is causing so much controversy. This brings up so many things for me. It makes me wonder about just how far we are willing to go to make a dollar. It makes me wonder if we have lost all of our sensitivity and taste! There are a number of other issues, including how such a big business does not have a secure website, and also freedom of speech. But when it comes down to it, I think it speaks to the fact that maybe all of us need to take a sensitivity class! Make a ripple, think hard about this, see what happens.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Everyone has an opinion
I guess this goes along with "would you rather be happy or right." What I am learning is that everyone does, indeed have an opinion, including myself. It is usually based on our life experiences, and family values. Having an opinion can cause discomfort in other's who do not share it, but it is just an opinion. When we feel uncomfortable with someone's opinion, maybe we should ask ourselves, "WHY?" We certainly do not have to agree, and they are entitled to it. Make a ripple, let it be, see what happens.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Saturday, December 20, 2014
The dilemma
Catboy and I have been in a lengthy discussion lately about being "in the box." Whenever I order something to be sent from a store, he figures out it is for him. Well, at least he thinks the box is for him. He has been known to try and bite me when I take the box out to the garbage. Of course, it never gets there which presents another dilemma. The box has to go through the procedure of having him pose for pictures in it (Honestly!), then, he has to see if he can sleep in it, then he turns it into a flattened sliding device. So, for him, "the box" is a good thing. For me, it just seems to be a way to take away my movement, or make me just like everyone else. NO WAY! We can't come to an agreement on this, so maybe you can help us decide. Make a ripple, figure this one out, see what happens.
Friday, December 19, 2014
It's in there.
Recently, I cleaned out a "junk" drawer. It is always interesting to do this because I find the weirdest and most interesting things. There are broken rubber bands, keys to who knows what, nails, pens, long dead, but also, mementos from the past. It is like a little trip down memory lane. What I also find is a treasure. This time, I found a picture of Catboy when he was a small kitten, and a pair of bee's wax candles someone had given me long ago. I think that sometimes we forget some of the things that meant so much to us. So today, I am going to revel in the fact that I have a nice clean drawer, but also, think of other things I might dig through and see what I am missing. Make a ripple, try it, see what happens.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Every now and then
Know that it is okay to say "no," politely. Sleep in. Color outside the lines, and enjoy it! Sing out loud, (even though they tell you you sound like a cat being tortured.) Smile at everyone you see, (especially when you don't feel like it!) Take time to smell the air, (even when it sticks in your nose, in winter) Congratulate yourself on a job well done, ( because you did your best!) Wrap us all in the white light (every day) because we need it! All these things will make a ripple, and you will see what happens!
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Serenity meow
Catboy has been discussing a class he would like to give us all. He hears me growling when I pay any attention to the news lately and fears for all of us, if you feel the same way I do. FRUSTRATED! So he suggested he could have a class which teaches his form of meditation in order to smooth out some of the ruffles our lives take. He tells me, after all, he has lived to be 131 years old with no high blood pressure! What he suggests is to combine stretching, staring, and then napping. He tells me that we all need to stretch every day. It is also helpful to take a little time to stare out the window with an empty mind, just quietly watching, and then, of course, have a nice nap. I have to say, he is seldom in a cranky mood, unless I harass him, or he gets the same canned food flavor two days in a row. Maybe we all could sign up for his class, and see what happens.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Character vs Reputation
With all the things going on around the world and the talk about certain personalities, I started to think about these two things. I have really mixed feelings about social media, sometimes I feel it helps us be informed, sometimes I think (because of bias) we are being led down a garden path. So I began thinking about character and reputation. It is easy to get a reputation! Just be in the wrong place at the wrong time, or, vice verse, and there you go. Character is quite another thing. Character is the essence of who we are. It is what drives us to do what we think is being true to ourselves. Make a ripple, check out the differences, see what happens.
Monday, December 15, 2014
You can't shine the light...
if you don't carry the light inside yourself. We all know how much better we feel in the light. We also know that the light can and will heal us. Many of us, though, do not know that the light must be within us to shine out to other's. The light is made of love. Make a ripple, love yourself,(and therefore, others,) see what happens.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
The importance
of the light. I realize that not all of us are in winter. For those of you who are not...celebrate. I was going to write a post today called "Kermit the Fog," (No that is not a type-o) I was just going to try and put a better spin on all the fog and rain we have been waking up to each day. This is a free smile for you. But I don't think we realize the importance of the light until it is gone for a week or so. Yes, I know it is winter, but just to see the sun, today, I jumped for joy. I am not a skiing person, but I think I just figured out one of their secrets, it is often sunny on those mountain tops when it is grey down here. So seek out the light whatever way you can, even the "full spectrum" lights you can buy. Make a ripple , sit in the sunny patch like Catboy, see what happens.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
If life knocks you down...
stand back up. Being on this earth school can sometimes be pretty frustrating. Lessons sometimes come in the form of a cast iron frying pan to the head. For me, those are the ones that I usually learn from the best. And I have learned to "shake it off," and stand back up. Don't you love that song?! It seems, sometimes, that the harder I try, the more hard lessons I get, but I have to know that fully living is a messy and hard process from time to time. It happens to all of us, and I would rather learn something once and for all than dink around and keep having the same thing pop up. I have added meditation to the mix and it really seems to help. Catboy tells me that's how he gets through things! Make a ripple, live, see what happens.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Get out of yourself
today. Just for today, think about how so many other's are doing. Give food to the food bank, put money in the red kettle of the Salvation Army, spend a little time helping someone take out their groceries, and put away their cart. I know it will feel so good, you will want to do the same thing tomorrow. These are small gestures which take little time and mean so much to people in need. Make a ripple, for them, see what happens.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Have you packed your...
emergency first aid kit yet? Now may be the time! The days are short and dark for some of us. The world is not in such good shape. I am afraid we are in for a bumpy ride. So I am putting together something to help get through this. First, I want to have a play list. The two songs that seem to help me are: "Shake it off," and "Happy!" These run a continuous loop in my brain, but they make me move and keep going. Second, I have to have good chocolate, preferably with cayenne, third, and these are not in order, the love of my friends and family, fourth, the will to stand up for what I think is right, and last, a good strong flash light to shine the light on all this darkness. Make a ripple, put your kit together, see what happens. OMG! and Catboy!! He got extra cookies because he was left out!
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
I wonder
what would happen if money did not rule the world? What would happen if value was attached to kindness, charity, and love? What would happen if we knew that we are all the same? What would happen if we were color blind? What would happen if we woke up every day in gratitude and paid it forward to someone else? What would happen if we made a ripple, consciously, now? Change would happen quickly!
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
What's that saying?...
"Innocent until proven guilty." I had no idea it had so many things attached to it. Unless you are disabled, unless you are of color, especially a young black man. What is wrong with us? Human life is precious period. No-one has the right to decide whose life is precious and if they feel that way, they are certainly in the wrong business. It appals me to think that in the year of 2014, people believe they have the right to brutalize and kill one certain person! Sadly, they get away with it. WHO ARE WE? It is my fervent wish that all this protesting makes a difference, especially when video taping doesn't seem to. Make a ripple, take a stand, see what happens.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
There is a solution for everything.
Life is full of dilemmas. The important thing is how we handle them. Sometimes I think we over-think our dilemmas, I certainly do. Other times, I under-think them. Funny, but those are the times my solutions work better. I am the queen of over-thinking, but all that accomplishes is a big headache. Make a ripple, enjoy your weekend, see what happens.
Saturday, December 6, 2014
What's your excuse?
There is a saying: "Excuses are like @##$%^&#, everyone has one." Some people use belly buttons, I have another word which is not proper in polite company. I could write a book of excuses, ask any of my friends. While I am getting better at this, when I was younger, I had an excuse for everything. I think making excuses robs us of responsibility, so I am trying hard to relieve myself of this particular habit. I think it takes away from our knowing that we are human and therefore fallible. So now, every time I think I need an excuse, I stop, just for a minute, and just get real with myself. Make a ripple, skip the excuses, see what happens.
Friday, December 5, 2014
Bear, Catboy, and life
Years ago, I had a dog named Bear. He was a 75% red wolf who I got from a friend. A few years later, we rescued Catboy from the window well of our chiropractor. I had given little thought to how these two would do, frankly, but the little kitten needed a home. I brought Catboy home and gingerly introduced him to my 95 pound dog. Catboy was probably 6 pounds soaking wet. What formed was so much love and camaraderie . Impossible, you say. Nope, Bear was an outdoor dog, but when he was in, you had a hard time keeping them apart. It makes me wonder how much we miss by judging things. Who would ever have thought these two would end up besties?! Bear has been gone 10 years now, and Catboy still sneaks down to the basement and lays on his friend's rug. Somehow, I believe we need to re-think a lot of things. Life would change if we did, for the better. Make a ripple, give it some thought, see what happens.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
"L O L!"
It took me a while to find out what this really meant on a text. As far as I was concerned, it meant "love you lots!" It wasn't until I got an odd text from a friend that I finally got, "Laugh out loud." I felt it wasn't as important as love you lots, but it had it's place. When was the last time you actually laughed out loud? I have to remind myself to do this, but it feels so good when I do, and the bonus is that it makes someone turn around and look. We are so proper, aren't we? To heck with that! We need to find and appreciate the humor in life whenever or wherever we find it. Make a ripple, laugh out loud!, see what happens. P.S. it doesn't hurt to love someone lots, either!
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
The Zen of Catboy
We have survived "Black Friday!" We have gotten past "Cyber Monday!" Personally, I don't do any of that but I know a lot of people who are whipped into a frenzy about the next holiday. Then there is Catboy. He wants me to remind you that I can buy him a bag of new toys, and he will crawl into the bag and fall asleep, totally ignoring the toys. He will stretch for 10 minutes until his body feels good, and then take a nap to celebrate. He is, after all, almost 19. He enjoys just gazing out a window, or sitting in a sunny spot, but also being petted and spoken to. In these coming days, it would do all of us well, to take some of his advice to find time to just be. Think of all the stress we could alleviate! Make a ripple, know what is important, see what happens.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Turn a mistake...
into a lesson. Let's face it, we are all human and are prone to making mistakes. But some of my best lessons have been learned from some of my worst mistakes. It is only bad if we don't give ourselves the opportunity to learn and correct the behavior. No one likes the pain it causes to admit a mistake, but I know, for sure, when I learn the lesson and do things a better way, life takes a turn for the better. Make a ripple, know you are human, see what happens.
Monday, December 1, 2014
The best things in life
are not things. Here is my partial list, not in any particular order: the sound of the ocean and salty smell, the sun's rays streaming through the window, a brisk walk in the park, the smile on a new mom's face, my cat eating and purring at the same time, a good nap, a look from someone that tells you they really care, being generous, being joyful, being loving, being color-blind, always having an open heart. Make a ripple, write your own list, see what happens.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Open the door for another
When I was out and about the other day, a nice gentleman held the door for me. I, in turn, held it open for a woman coming up behind me. Good begets good!! It always makes me feel good when I find that "chivalry is not dead!" Some things take little effort and cause a ripple effect of kindness. While we're at it, lets not forget the other meaning here. We can open the door for another in many ways from showing kindness, to..... Well, you get the picture. Make a ripple, get outside yourself, see what happens.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Let's have...
Thanksgiving every day! No, not all the fattening food, just the gratitude. It seems weird to me that this holiday is celebrated only once a year. Granted, it is time off work to spend with people who we might seldom see. It makes for a long weekend, but when should we not be grateful for all we have? I say, let every day be "Thanksgiving." Lets share our bounty with others all the time. People are always in need of food, shelter, and warmth, not just in the winter! Make a ripple, start a new tradition, see what happens.
Friday, November 28, 2014
There is a saying...
anticipate the best, prepare for the worst. I sure like the first 1/2 of this saying. It seems as if I anticipate the best, many times, that is what occurs. But there is a fine balance in the second 1/2 of this saying. A lot of us prepare for the worst more than anticipating the best and we always get what we think about most. I have done this many times also. So today, lets take the yin with the yang, with the emphasis on what will make our lives better. Make a ripple, seek balance, see what happens.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Lessons from the Turkey
It has been an interesting late summer and fall. We have had an inordinate number of wild turkeys coming up over the bluff and spending time in our neighborhood. They come in groups of 12 to probably over 30. I love the way they fill the yards and sidewalks, as if they own the place. They are far from graceful, but so beautiful and the sounds they make are endearing to me. They flow out into the street and stop traffic. They know they belong. In Native American tradition, Turkey means "give away." They have celebration over a feast and then people bring things to share. I was privileged to attend one of these day long feasts many years ago and it has stuck with me. I was allowed to help prepare food and other necessities, but also to watch a woman tell me a story while making me a beautiful pouch. It was heart-filling. I still have the pouch and the memories from that day and carry them with me every year. Make a ripple, and be grateful for all the things that are not things, see what happens.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
If you have no opinion...
the truth will show itself to you. It is amazing how having an opinion clouds our vision of things. This is something most of us seldom consider, but it is like putting blinders on a horse. So, just for today, I am going to try and squelch my opinions and just look at things as they are. I might find a truth that has been hiding. Make a ripple, try with me, see what happens.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Live your life...
don't just sleep through it! It is easy just to drift through life. We get into a routine and nothing changes but the day. Days turn into weeks, and weeks into years, and where have we gotten? Auto pilot is something we all go into from time to time. I used to do that when I drove to certain places, until I realized I WAS DRIVING! We certainly miss many of the up's and down's when we use AP, but we miss growth possibilities, too. Make a ripple, be in it, see what happens.
Monday, November 24, 2014
What have you done for yourself lately?
Recently, an acquaintance of mine had a stroke. It was a real shock and made me wonder, how does this happen? Some people are predisposed to these things, but, many of us are not. This is the time of hibernation, and here come 3 big holidays. It is easy to lose sight of ourselves. We are caught in this spin cycle of life and we just keep going and going. It feels as if we need to slow it down a bit and take at least a small piece of time for ourselves each day to let down and relax. It is like putting the oxygen mask on ourselves first. If we don't, then who knows what will happen to our loved ones. Make a ripple, make time for you, see what happens.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Let small things amuse you
In the grand scheme of things, it is often good to go small. It is a lot easier, once you learn to do this and exponentially more rewarding. Many of the things that we can observe, or be a part of, are things we generally skip over. For instance, when was the last time you celebrated just waking up in the morning?! For some of us, this is a big deal, but, think about it. It is sort of a cool thing. How about going out in a storm, and it suddenly stops! Catboy tells me he celebrates finding a cookie on the rug. I told him I celebrate watching him get on his back and stretch because he looks sooo cute. My point here is that there are a lot of things that can allow us feel good and find joy. Make a ripple, go small, see what happens.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
This is the earth school
and we are all students in it. There is a lot of debate about how education should be funded.. I agree. People need to and have the right to be educated. But there is one way to get some education which costs us nothing but awareness. I have always considered this our earth school. There are many lessons in front of us and continuously waiting to be discovered if we are aware and wanting them. What will your lesson be today? Make a ripple, be the student, see what happens.
Friday, November 21, 2014
You are many things.
Can you describe yourself? Do you know who you are? We are so many things. The cool part is what and who we are can be expanded and changed. Sometimes we look in the mirror and see the same thing we have always seen. But if we look a little deeper, there are things lurking which we have been ignored or not noticed. Every year, I learn something new about myself. I try and dump the things that are not working, and find wonderful things that will make my life better. Make a ripple, join me, see what happens.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
You can't un ring the bell
It's hard not to get angry, at least once in a while. It happens so infrequently with me these days because I try to stay in the moment, but there surely have been times when I just let it fly. I learned in my communication class, and just living, that once I have said that awful thing to someone, it might as well be carved in stone. While people are forgiving, it seems to stick in their brain, anyway. I have experienced this, and I am sure we all have. I guess this is as good a reason as any to up the thoughts of gratitude, and count to 10 when the situation suggests it. Make a ripple, take a breath, see what happens.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
There is always...
a plan "B" or "C", or... Life can be challenging at times. We often revert to the same reaction or way of dealing with it. Why not use creativity more in our lives?! There are times when money falls a little short, or situations loom large and the only way to deal with them is to take a breath and really look at them in a different way. It takes stepping away from yourself. It could be like looking at a picture upside down. Great artists and thinkers have been doing this for thousands of years. Maybe we need to take a page from their books. Meanwhile, stay warm, for those of us in the winter months, relish warm weather if that is what you have. Make a ripple, "use a different eye", see what happens.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
As we become more entrenched in winter weather, or darkness, wherever you are, it is good to be aware there are these lights that mimic sunlight. They are called full spectrum lights. The big box stores carry them in the form of bulbs and also in towers which have two settings. I have always had one or more of them in my house. They really work! So, if you are in an area where it is a short day, or just rainy and dark, stop by one of these stores and purchase a full spectrum light. Then you can have your own personal piece of sunshine in your house at all times. Make a ripple, tell a friend, see what happens.
Monday, November 17, 2014
The super "S's"
In my mind, there are 3 S's that take care of us in life. They are sleep, sunshine and sustenance. We all know, or should know, how important sleep is. Many people take many dollars of medication just to get this elusive thing. If you are one of those people who can sleep well, I am happy for you and just a little jealous. We all know how much the sun affects us. I never see anyone feeling grumpy because it is a sunny day. In these times of the chilly weather, it especially picks up our spirits. And now for the sustenance, because it is a biggie. Many people would think I am just speaking of food. This would be wrong. I am speaking of all the things which nourish us body and soul. Make a ripple, put on the cape.) see what happens!
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Optimism vs hope
I heard a discussion yesterday, they were talking about optimism. It made me think about what a great thing optimism is. It is something that costs nothing, but will get results because of the energy it creates. Then, I started thinking about hope. While it is a worthy feeling, to me, it just seems that, a feeling. I think that we can hope and wish til the cows come home, but if we continue to be optimistic about what ever is important and maybe add some engagement to it, everything will be O K. So, from now on, I am going to look at things optimistically, the glass 1/2 full. I would love it if you would come along on this journey with me. Make a ripple, accept the invitation, see what happens.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Catboy on winter
Just yesterday, Catboy informed me it is officially winter. I told him to double check the calendar, but he reminded me all he could do was look at the pictures. So he launched into reasons it was, indeed, winter. He reminded me that he sits in front of me and stares and yawns until I turn up the heat. It is true, I thought, he won't move until I do it! He also asked me why all these little rugs are showing up in front of the door and especially in front of his heat vent. He did thank me for that, and he languishes on that little rug a lot lately. The other thing he reminded me of is that even though he asks me to open the kitchen window, he only sits there for about 5 minutes. O K, it's winter. He asks me to remind you think about your pets in this cold season. He says that fur does not always keep them as warm as we think, and their water freezes up quickly. He wishes you a good season and asks that you bundle up and stay warm and healthy too, so you can continue to take care of your beloved pets. Make a ripple, think of them, see what happens.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Check the label
Life, to me, is all about lessons. For instance, it is very important to check all the labels on everything, especially food. It is amazing how much information, (Yech) we can get, and it helps us make informed decisions. I am so good at checking labels. What I am not as good at is labeling things. I am not talking about putting someone's name on their stuff for camp. It's something I try not to do, but seem to struggle with. This kind of labeling refers to people's affiliations in politics. I see someone of a different party than mine, and ass u me they are one thing when, they may not be. Yesterday, I was watching a show with a woman who is I thought I knew about and she turns out to be so much more. I was so happily surprised and ashamed at the same time. Make a ripple, open your mind, see what happens.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
If you need someone...
let them know. We live in a society which stresses independence. Not all countries believe in this or teach this. I am frankly a little jealous of these people who are taught to rely on each other, where family means everything. But I am learning that I love to be needed. It makes me feel like more of a human being. It lets me know that I have gifts to share with others that make a difference in their lives. I also have to learn to let others know I need them, too. That seems to be the hard one. We are so ingrained with feeling that we should be able to handle everything on our own. WRONG! So the next time you need someone, tell them! You will be giving them an irreplaceable gift. Make a ripple, think about it, see what happens.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
"What do you 'spect, Lucy?"
I don't know how many of you used to watch "I love Lucy." It is an old and very funny, simple show from way back. There are, however re-runs of it on now. Lucy was always in trouble for something, which made her endearing to me. She hardly thought things through, so she ended up in quite a few messes. I decided to be the anti-Lucy the other day. I had all this stuff to do and I decided to not pre-think anything for once. I had several pleasant surprises because I did not invite chaos with my thoughts. It worked out so well, I have decided to do that more often. Make a ripple, don't over think it, see what happens.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Today is more than
a day off work. It is a celebration and remembrance of those who have fought and served in the Military. These people have put their time and lives on the line so that we could live in a free country, and so that others in the world could find peace from oppression. It doesn't matter what form their service has taken, just that they were and are willing to do it. So I say, honor them! Thank them! Some holidays are well spent being celebrated more than one day a year. Let's do that! And in the meantime, let's make sure they get what they need in a timely manner when they return from some horrible situations. Make a ripple, honor them, see what happens.
Monday, November 10, 2014
If you have a warm house
and enough food to eat, it is time to think of other's for Thanksgiving, and beyond. Many stores are having turkey drives, and bags of groceries we can purchase to allow another family to have a wonderful hot meat for the holiday. One way to get a lot of bang for the buck is to contribute dollars to food banks as they can usually get about 5 pounds of food for each dollar we contribute, because people are hungry much of the time. Our utility bills allow for a thing called "project share." With as little as 2 dollars, and up, we can help someone stay warm on the very cold days coming. Sometimes so little to us means so much to someone else. Make a ripple, for them, see what happens.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Ask if someone wants your opinion...
otherwise, just be a good listener. We sure aren't taught to do this, and many times, we just need someone to talk to without their opinion. This is a hard thing to do, but I always ask if someone wants my opinion. It was not always so, but I started to think about how good it feels to just talk. Many times, we can come to a conclusion, just by listening to ourselves. So the next time someone wants to talk, stop and just listen. It will be good for both of you! Make a ripple, give them the time, see what happens.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
The heart of the team
My partner in crime and I were out for our Friday nite, anything can happen, yesterday. We decided at the last minute to go to have dinner where there is a big screen T. V. as big as the side of my house. She had had a rather taxing week and her energy was like the dark little cloud we find ourselves under from time to time. As we looked up, though, we saw our favorite basketball player who now plays for the NBA. I don't like professional sports, as a rule, but this certain player was the heart of the college team we root for each year and he was good enough to be chosen to play professionally. What we admired about this man is that he enjoyed what he did, and was a team player, while being an inspiration all at once. He has long hair which is fun to watch as he makes his way up and down the court, but the very best thing is that he always has a smile on his face and you can tell he loves what he does. Who is the heart of your team? Make a ripple, find out, see what happens.
Friday, November 7, 2014
It's that time, again!
It is a beautiful sunny day! We have actually had 2 of those this week! But the days are getting shorter and the time of hibernation is coming. I am going to fight it a little this year and get out on any nice day and suck up all the fresh air I can. It is so good for us to get as much of that as we can. The time coming is also important. Going inside for a while is a good thing. Re-connecting with our essence helps us prepare for our re-birth in the spring. Make a ripple, breathe, see what happens.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Love begets Love!
It is funny how one emotion will attract another of it's kind. When I am feeling the love, not much else comes in but more love and joy! On the off occasions I feel anger, it feels as if I get slammed with everything I have ever been angry about. Weird. The thing I do when this infrequent thing happens is go through it quickly. I didn't used to be able to do this, but I realize now that anger is so destructive. So, today and continuing it will all be about love, and joy and expectation for all the goodness there is for myself and all of us. Make a ripple, feel the love, see what happens.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Now what?!
As the dust settles, we need to have more resolve than ever. We need to realize what we are worth and what we deserve. We are still the 99%! It doesn't matter where we live. Make a ripple, wake up and stand up, see what happens.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Jumping off a cliff
Today is voting day in the U. S. It is the mid term elections. Many people just sit at home on their butts and just let it happen. THIS IS NOT THE YEAR TO BE APATHETIC OR TO PISSED OFF TO VOTE! This is the year that may indeed be the tipping point between us all going to hell in a hand basket or saving our sorry #%%&*. Did you know that the large majority of the Republicans took an oath and signed a pledge to do NOTHING while President Obama was in office?! They signed this pledge right after he was elected. Guess what they have done? NOTHING! This is called OBSTRUCTION. Do you honestly think that if we give them the House of Representatives they will do anything else except take away more things from us? Do you realize that one of the first things they want to do is to take away medical insurance from millions of people who just got it just because Obama signed it into law? What kind of person does that? PLEASE! I know some things haven't gotten done. They fight him at every level. We don't even have a Surgeon General to oversee our critical health situations because of them. OPEN YOUR EYES! PUT PEOPLE IN OFFICE WHO WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU AND OUR ENVIRONMENT! not ignore you just because they have theirs. Make a ripple, vote for the good of all, see what happens.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Good service should be rewarded!
On Sunday, my dear friend and I had a delicious lunch at the "Dockside" restaurant. It is a beautiful restaurant on the Coeur d Alene lake. The view and food were wonderful, but I have to extend my gratitude to our waiter David Marshall. He made our afternoon! I hope his employer realizes what a valuable employee David is! People may not know, but many waiters and servers are paid below the minimum wage. They rely on their tips to make up the difference. Many are trying to live on these wages. So the next time you go out for a meal, no matter where it is, please respect your waiter for the good work they do, in the form of a good tip. Make a ripple, support this profession! see what happens.
Welcome Thailand!
We are so glad to see you. Welcome to our family! We are looking forward to seeing you again!
Being happy...
is the best way to measure your self as a success in life. What makes you happy? It certainly can come from a lot of things, but no one else can make you happy! I hear this all the time. "I will make you happy." This cannot happen as happiness is generated from within. Happiness comes from being content with ourselves because we are doing and being the best we expect ourselves to be and considering other people to be as important as we are. Being happy is not easy, we are so distracted by stuff. But, look around, many people with many things are not happy. Finding happiness is looking within with love and patience and acting from that place. Make a ripple, think about it, see what happens.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Celebrate today!
It is a beautiful sunny day. There is no wind, and the sky is that medium blue you see in the fall. There are no clouds. I awoke to hear my neighbor raking between the houses. They are all out in their yard, raking away. Not me! I say, "road trip!" I am going to take my wonderful friend and go to the next state to have a yummy lunch on the lake. The leaves and pine needles will still be here when we get back, but it is supposed to be the only sunny day in a week! We are going to fill our pineal glands and feel the joy. Maybe, after the great lunch settles, we might rake a while, but we will probably take a nap instead! Make a ripple for yourself today, see what happens!
Saturday, November 1, 2014
It's about everything
I love doing this blog! I write the minute I get up, most days. I don't seem to run out of things to say but very occasionally, and even then, something comes up. What is hard for me is to explain to people what it is about. It seems like whatever I say sounds sort of simplistic. So I have come up with a description. I would like to believe this blog is about EVERY THING. I am grateful every day to have thoughts about so many things, and even more grateful to have been able to reach out to so many people. It is my fondest desire that it is indeed creating a ripple of kindness, thoughtfulness, and attention to ourselves and others to make the world a better place, one day and one person at a time. Thank you so much for making a ripple! Namaste.
Friday, October 31, 2014
It's Halloween, that scariest of days. Unfortunately, it is scary for a much different reason, indifference. It is not for Halloween, but for voting. I know that mid-term elections are generally no big deal, but this one is! I know some of you are saying, oh, well, nothing is happening anyway. Some of you have been brainwashed to think that one certain person is responsible. REALLY?! This vote is so important unless you are really happy being repressed, taken advantage of, and disrespected. Is voter suppression o k with you? How about having someone dictate what you can and can't do medically with your body? If you are an immigrant, do you not deserve, after working hard in this country to become a real part of it? Does everyone get paid enough money to live on one job? Are you o k with the wealthiest 1% buying the votes of our leaders, because they have theirs? Is it o k to be saddled with educational debt and lack of medical care? If you have answered "yes" to any of these questions, you are one of the 1%, you are HAPPY with the status quo, or just in denial! Make a ripple, vote for the interests of ALL, see what happens.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Fear takes away
all your energy! It seems as if some politicians think the way to get what they want is to always keep us fearful. The sad thing is that it works. Fear puts us in the fight-or-flight mode. It constricts our heart and interrupts the working of our bodies organs. Happiness, strength, and optimism go right out the window. Is that the way you want to live? Me neither! So I say be informed about the things that seem off-putting to you. Tell fear it is not welcome in your life. Shine the pure white light on everything and everyone and go about your business. Make a ripple, put fear in the garbage, see what happens.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Can you feel it?
A friend of mine used to say, "nobody cares how you feel." On a pragmatic level, I get it. However, I care how I feel, and that's good because I feel everything all the time. I cry at the drop of a hat if I see something sad, or incredibly wonderful. My heart fills up when I think of the people who love me, and who I love, yes, Catboy, that includes you! I feel wonder at the beauty of nature. I feel excited to honor my intuition, which never fails me. I also feel crushed, angry and disappointed when someone is hurt in any way. The thing I try to do is let go of any negative feelings rapidly as they do not serve me. But the happy feelings, bring them on 24-7! Make a ripple, feel it, see what happens.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Let's hear it for....
In Hawaii this week, an overflowing volcano was threatening a village. People were asked to re-locate, it was coming so close and fast. In an effort to make sure EVERYONE COULD VOTE, new poling places were set up and early voting was implemented!!!! Gee, I thought this was the way it was supposed to work, everyone getting a chance to vote and measures being taken so that they could use this precious right. What is wrong with the rest of us? I hope everyone is o k in Hawaii, and I know for sure their rights are being watched over. Good for them! Make a ripple, let's take a page from their book, and see what happens.
Monday, October 27, 2014
We are one!
Today is the first anniversary of "Let's make a ripple!" It is hard to believe that we are a year old, 410 posts, 27 countries and counting. I could not have done this without a lot of support, from the person who talked me into writing it, K. to my dear friend S. who helped me set it up. I am so fortunate to have friends who give me ideas, and love me no matter what I come up with. I am grateful to all of you for sharing my vision! I know in my heart that we are making a difference in ourselves, and the world. Tomorrow is the first day of the second year! Make a ripple, remember that we are all one, see what happens.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Today is...
International Gratitude Day. I'll start. I am glad I woke up today! The sun was out for a change! I have lots of people who love me! Catboy is healthy and going strong at 18.5! I got to go see my favorite basketball team at a practice free, yesterday! Today, I have no voice at all! The fall colors are spectacular! I am healthy! The bills are paid! Did I say, I have lots of people who love me? Did I say they are kind and interesting? Well, by now you kinda get the drift of what this day I made up is all about. Make a ripple, make your own list, see what happens.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Who's your family?
Some people have the traditional family. I don't. Yet I have the best family ever in the form of extended people. Last night I saw the movie "St Vincent." It explores not only things hidden, but what a family really is. It was heart warming to see not only a happy ending, but also reinforcement that judgement and family are something different for everyone. Judgement is something I think we can all do without, because it causes separation, and clouds our view of what is real. Family, to me, has become the ones who love and support me. Sometimes, our real family falls short of that, through death or behaviors. I say, celebrate those who celebrate you. Always give yourself the time to look beyond the obvious. Go see "Saint Vincent!" You will not be disappointed, and it may give you some new ways to look at things. Make a ripple, "look with a different eye," see what happens.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Hidden things
Although it was dark and rainy, I still decided to go out and celebrate the solar eclipse. Part of the reason I did it is because they are rarely seen in the part of the country where I live, and it was during a day where there were a few sun breaks. Let me put it this way, one sun break. It was also the new moon, so there I was, at the park. It made me realize that just because something is hidden, it doesn't mean it is not there. I wonder what things we miss because we simply can't see them. Hmmm.. Make a ripple, pay attention, see what happens.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
It is a dark and stormy day
Well, it is dark and rainy. If you are lucky enough to live in certain areas, you will be able, hopefully, to see the partial solar eclipse at about 1:30 this afternoon. You might have to adjust for your time zone. It is also the new moon which is the best time to start a new project. Make a ripple, check it out, see what happens.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
If you slam the door...
I should just write a book about all the sayings from my mom and grama. One of them is this: "If you slam the door shut, nothing can get in." This is one it took me a while to get when I was little. After all I didn't especially like bugs and I was forever slamming the door on them. However, I think some of the lessons I was being given were metaphoric! What I am learning is to leave the door open a crack, just in case something wonderful is coming. Not much else to say about that. Make a ripple, leave your door open, just a little, see what happens.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Just be aware!
With the mid-term elections upon us, I want to stress that the people who say making everyone have I D will prevent voter fraud, THERE IS NO VOTER FRAUD! Making people present I D affects turn out of those who typically vote Democratic. What a SLEAZY way to get your people into office. SHAME ON YOU. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!!!!! Re-districting does the same thing! Why don't you just do the right thing for once!?! I know that you have yours, but we ALL should have ours. We are all human beings and deserve fairness. Make a ripple, SUPPORT THE TRUTH!, see what happens.
Don't put me in the box
I think there is a difference between naming something and labeling it. A name can describe something, but putting a label on it seems to put it in a category it can't get out of. I have never done well in the box anyway. I have fought to stay out of it. This has led to some interesting situations, and made me very aware of paying attention to the boundaries I must have. Still, most of the people I know, who are close to me and the most interesting, avoid the box, at least some of the time. Make a ripple, be who you are, see what happens.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Looking forward
It was a beautiful fall day, yesterday. It actually got up to the 70's! I know for sure we don't have many of those kind of days left so I took out my handy "digger" and planted some colorful bulbs for the spring. Of course, I had to rake away all the dead leaves that have fallen, but I used the time to celebrate my two favorite seasons. I am not to crazy about extremes, so winter and summer are low on my list. But I am trying to embrace fall with all it's color and think about what the season means. As well, I am sort of skipping thinking about winter and looking forward to all the new things. What I am learning is to embrace all the parts of life, all the cycles, and their meanings. To be present is the only way to be, but it is also nice to look forward. Make a ripple, jump in the leaves, see what happens.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Celebrate your freedom
If you live in a country where there is no voter suppression, celebrate that! If you live in a country where a person's wages allow them to live comfortably, celebrate that! If you live in a country that knows the importance of having time off with pay and good maternity leave for the father or mother giving them enough time to actually bond with their child, celebrate that! If you live in a country where all are created equal, celebrate that! if you live in a country where education and medical are free, celebrate that! It feels as if the rest of us have a lot of work to do, doesn't it. Make a ripple, work toward it, see what happens.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
I am livid! One of a few states in the US is getting away with making people show ID to vote. Please! To their shame, the US Supreme Court is allowing this. It makes me know, for sure, how corrupt we really are. It shows me how out of balance we really are. Nowhere has it EVER been proven that this measure was needed. We have such a low amount of voter fraud, it is hardly measurable. However, it has been proven with out a doubt, that the people pushing this nonsense get a lot more votes when these laws are allowed. I said it before, and I will say it again. If you have to cheat to win, you are nothing but a loser. Make a ripple, help us change this travesty, see what happens.
I took my own advice, thanks Cindy!
Remember the thing about the list so long... Well, I am proud to report I actually took a big bite out of it yesterday. I must admit, I even did part of the thing that scares me the most. One way that made it easier, was that the people I had to talk to were ALL nice, patient, and helpful. It only takes one bad experience for me to shy away from these situations, and yesterday I was met with nothing but kindness. I guess what I take away from this is that people are just doing their job and they might be having a bad day. If it is my day to have my face ripped off, I can hang up or ask if they are indeed having a bad day. So, I want to thank Cindy from PEBB for all the patience and time she spent with me, carefully answering every question. Talking to her led me to try and make some other phone calls I needed to make. I hope her boss recognizes what a wonderful employee she is. Being on the phone with people all day takes a special kind of person. Make a ripple, appreciate them! see what happens.
Friday, October 17, 2014
When things stack up...
take a deep breath. Lately, my list of things to do has been lengthening. It is so long, I can't find the end of it. Maybe you have the same problem. Some of it is time sensitive, some of it is the pressure I put on myself to get things done I have long put off. What I am learning is that I can only do one thing at a time, then take a breath and give myself a pat on the back for getting it done. Sometimes it helps me to use a colorful pen to scratch it off the list, or a smiley face as an "atta girl." The list doesn't seem to shorten very fast, but I need to celebrate the fact that I am whittling away at it every day. Gone are the days of trying to multi-task all the time. I will do one thing at a time and do a good job of it. Make a ripple, be gentle with yourself, see what happens.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Copyright information
l.c. hogue, Let's Make A Ripple, October 27, 2013 and continuing. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
Just a note to let you know I am updating and trying to improve this website. Some things are being fixed easily and others are giving us lessons in patience. One of the things I need to do is copyright my posts. The following post will do that, and I appreciate your continued support and patience! We are all making a ripple.
There's a saying...
"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything!" Thanks, mom for that one. It stuck with me, too! If I have mine and I can keep you busy and scared, I can continue to rule the world. I know we are in a sorry state. I know, also, that we have been here before. We are more than just the sum of our parts. We are the 99%! They have had "theirs," to our detriment way to long. Make a ripple, lets stand up, see what happens.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Get up offa
that thing! The mid-term elections are starting now, and it is said that people vote less in these elections. What a shame. This must mean that we are all satisfied with the way things are going. Hmmm.. So, we are happy with the crappy minimum wage not being raised, women's health rights are just fine being taken away, voting rights are being rescinded, education not being funded is good, our infrastructure crumbling is fine, people just like us are being turned away from the American dream, (by the way, we are all immigrants, just luckier than some,) Can you tell I am fired up?!!! There are ways to change the world, but sitting on our asses and complaining while doing nothing just doesn't change anything, does it?! What would happen if we all took a genuine interest in making things better? This is not just a U.S. idea, is it? But all need to stand up and say, "we won't take this anymore," and vote for what we need and want. Make a ripple, start something, see what happens.
Poo Poo Pe Doopie
Just a warning, this might be TMI. I awoke this morning to find a tidy pile of "kitty roca." I think sometimes we get caught up in our bus i ness. I have been raking, sweeping, clearing, stashing leaves that fall so rapidly, I can't tell that I raked, and swept. It is that time between seasons and it is full of indoor and outdoor stuff to do. Guess whose kitty potty got neglected by ONE day? Someone is unbelievably spoiled in so many ways, but Catboy is well-versed in giving me cues. What cues are your pets giving you? Are they a little neglected at the moment? Make a ripple, save yourself the "pile," see what happens.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Sometimes it's good
to stop, and do nothing. Do you notice that some days whatever we try to do, everything seems to challenge us. Yesterday, my lovely, wonderful printer told me to change my ink cartridge. So, being the compliant person I am (?) I changed all the ink cartridges. Black, o k, yellow, o k, cyan, o k, but oh, that Magenta! I tried every trick I could think of as it continuously told me there was no cartridge in Magenta. I got really frustrated, which made matters worse and my poor printer was in jeopardy of being..... So I got up and walked away. Turns out it was a faulty cartridge and I just had to exchange it. My point here is to not let everyday irritants, like my computer freezing several times this morning, set us back. I know there is a lesson in this! Make a ripple, be patient, see what happens.
Monday, October 13, 2014
If you fall off the horse...
get back on. My old and cranky grama used to have all these sayings. She like my mom, used to say so many things over and over when I was young. Well, this is one that stuck. In my opinion, these days, it is just cool that we can get on the horse, but this saying has merit. It never hurts to try something that is a challenge, and if it doesn't work, try, try again. Anything worth having, learning, experiencing, is worth the work it takes to get it! Make a ripple, become whole, see what happens.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Consider this
Yesterday was "International Day of the Girl." I celebrate and honor the fact that we have a day such as this, but it made me wonder if there shouldn't be an "International Day of Dignity and Respect for All." This would be a day when we gave equal opportunity to EVERYONE. What a concept!!! And, what if "IDofDandRforA." was celebrated EVERY DAY!?! Make a ripple, make it happen!
Saturday, October 11, 2014
With a full heart
The past few weeks have been wonderful. I have been on a beautiful vacation with the man who owns my heart and I have gotten to spend quality time with the friends who lift me up. Sometimes I think we don't notice how fortunate we really are. If being loved is measured in wealth, I am a zillionaire! Make a ripple, realize where true wealth lies, see what happens.
Friday, October 10, 2014
What color is love?
I have been a little confused lately, truthfully, for a long time. I see things that go so far against what I was taught when I was young, it confounds me. It makes me wonder other things, like what color is equality? This all sounds weird, but think about it. Money runs the world, rich white men run the world. But wait, are there other people in the world? What about the women who birth these men? The world is A RAINBOW! The world is not just one belief. Love knows no color, love knows no gender, love is just love. It seems to me we have gotten really off track. Make a ripple, PAY ATTENTION!l see what happens.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
The soothing sounds...
of Catboy are what I am experiencing every night now. He has fallen (pun intended) in to his pre-winter behavior. All the new nests have been made and one of them is just inches from my head on the love seat. At first it was just occasionally, now, it is every night followed by a nice long stint laying on me and purring so loudly, I have to turn up the T V. I think he is trying to tell me it is o k to slow down and be content. I am not really a sitter, so that is a bit of a lesson for me. He reminds me that this can be a time of introspection, and that all the chaos in the news does not have to "ruffle my feathers," that I can just wrap everything in light and take that deep breath I sometimes forget to take. I don't know how I got so lucky to have such a wise cat, but I am thankful every day for his lessons. Make a ripple, pet your wise one, see what happens.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
What's your priority?
A friend of mine has been talking to me a lot about how much her job stresses her out. This has been going on for at least a year or more. Initially, I tried to talk her out of it because it is a decent paying job with good benefits, but she persisted in feeling she needed to leave. She has now made the decision, and is leaving soon. I saw the relief on her face, yesterday. Life is to short to be somewhere we are miserable, it takes our soul and joy away and it is replaced with bleakness. I know we have to be responsible, but to whom?! My friend will be better, she already is. Make a ripple, nourish your soul, see what happens.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
For some reason, I am receiving some of your comments, and can read them, but I can't publish them. I have been trying to rectify this, but to no avail. Your comments are important to me, so please keep making them. If you don't see that they have been noted, or published, just know that it is my old dinosauer, acting in her onery fashion. Thanks!
Don't judge today's problems...
by what has happened before. I have studied this. The mind wants to protect us by going back to some previous trauma and matching it up with something happening now. I can see how this might have worked in the cave man days for protection, but now, as far as I see it, it is much better to keep that stuff in the past and create more positive thoughts around problems. We all know, by now, that our thoughts create our reality, so I say, surround your problems with light, realize that if you are making a similar problem, you can look and react another way. Make a ripple, realize you have the power, see what happens.
Monday, October 6, 2014
We are all entitled to a
do over. Have you ever started something, only to find out it wasn't exactly what you wanted?! I sure have. Sometimes I start something out of spite, sometimes out of anger, or just being misguided. It is o k to stop, take a breath, and start over. I think the only part that doesn't work is to continue to do something we know feels wrong, knowing it won't work. So today is "Do over Day!" Make a ripple, make it right, see what happens.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
We are all doing the best we can...
for the moment we are in. I sometimes wonder, "why did I do that?!" We are a product of our society and our upbringing, or lack there of. It seems as if judgement is my hardest thing, I am really working on that. But, sometimes, things just pop up, and it is sort of a shock. The good news is that we can observe ourselves and how we feel or react to our own actions. We can slow down and ask ourselves if that is truly who we are, or who we want to be. Change is often painful, but, it is possible to shave off those rough corners, and show our soft underbelly. Make a ripple, check it out, see what happens.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Serendipity v s Coincidence
I believe there are no coincidences in life. I do believe in serendipity! It has happened in my life on such a regular basis, I just accept it. What we think about the most is what we bring. If I need an answer to a question, I ask for a sign. The sign always shows up to let me know. If I need to get that wonderful blueberry apple sauce that only one store carries, it is there waiting on the shelf for me. Sometimes, I have to enlist a tall man to reach it for me, but that is just another bonus. What I am trying to say and have said many times is that our thoughts CREATE our lives. If you don't believe me, think of a person you haven't seen in a while, I will guarantee you will run into them within a week. If they are dead, they will show up in your dream. Make a ripple, think hard about what you REALLY WANT,rsee what happens.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Build your own nest
It's that time of year again when we frantically try and get our yards in order, blowing out sprinklers, in my case dragging hoses to the garage, doing that last mowing, and gathering up all the debris. We are working our way into, dare I say it, winter and hibernation. I wish for all of us that fall lasts and lasts, but I see the signs everywhere, leaves are turning and some falling, nights are turning cold. Catboy has forsaken his summer bed and now chooses to make "nests" all over the house. A carelessly tossed sweater now has become his personal sleeping space, a large pillow with my napping blanket, his best friend. He uses it at night to sit on and bat me with his tail until I either brush him, or pet him continuously. My point here is everyone needs a nest this time of year. We need a soft, comfy place to light and stay warm. Make a ripple, create your own nest, see what happens.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Among the living
A dear friend of mine has turned a corner. It fills me with such joy to see it happen. A while ago, she lost her beloved dad. His illness ripped through her family, yet they stayed together, unlike some families. It affected her more profoundly than most. She has been in my thoughts and wrapped in light for some time, but I was worried. Life is all about choices. How and when we are able to make them is different for all people. She has that "locus of control" I speak about. Deep inside, there is a light that refuses to go out. I am happy to report that I saw her yesterday, and she looks great. She is getting stronger every day, and knows that her dad would want her to be the shining beacon she always has been. Make a ripple, celebrate life, see what happens.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Yeah Special K!
Here is a cereal company who has a commercial about buying jeans saying "you are more than a number" for the size. It uses positive descriptions such as "sassy" in stead of sizes. It makes me feel good, and speaks to so much media that is size oriented. Let's hear it for them! It is also one of my favorite cereals. They are making a ripple and I salute them!
Dig this!
I have to admit that the 70's were my favorite decade so far. I loved the jargon, the colors (with the exception of orange), the music, and the intensity my friends and I lived in. We were sure we could change the world, and we tried hard to see that happen, my friend, Jesse, saying repeatedly, "can you dig it?!" Flash forward to this weekend when a dear friend and I were wandering around downtown. It was a beautiful fall day, large containers of flowers and greenery were overflowing and those big balls of million bell's were hanging, breathtakingly in all their glory from the lamp posts while a lone sax player (and he was so good) played at the entrance of the mall. Scene set. I looked over to my left to to see a sticker on a car that said, "Dig Life." See where I am going here? Make a ripple, shake your groove thing, see what happens.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
I am...
male and female, conservative and liberal, religious and spiritual, white, black, and all the shades in between. I am lesbian, gay, transgender. I am from all the corners of the world. I live in poverty, and affluence. I am educated in ways you cannot measure. I am you, and you are me. We want the same things, and we deserve goodness. Make a ripple, accept and honor me, see what happens.
Monday, September 29, 2014
What's different?
I went to see "Dolphin Tale 2," yesterday. It is sort of a kids movie, but the underlying message is for all of us. I won't pay for something that makes me scared, (unless it is giving me information I need) I won't pay for blood and gore, there is enough of that in the news. So I need to learn and be inspired. I need a happy ending as that is what I want for all of us. Anyway, it is a continuation of the story of the rescue of the dolphin who lost it's tale and they made her a new one. It is a story of people coming together, in crisis, and showing what they are made of to make a happy ending. Sometimes we focus on the things we perceive make us different. How's that working for us? I know we are taught to think that different is not always good. Be wary! But it is our differences and our similarities that make us interesting and teach us things. We all know we are more alike than different, anyway. Make a ripple, know what is real, see what happens.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
More fine humans!
There is a company here called "Uncle Ben's." They have a new commercial which shows how kids emulate their parents. Their other message is teaching our children to cook and make it healthy. We need more people like them to give us a little push or to think about how we affect our children. Nice job! They are making a ripple.
Change the things you can
Life is full of "stuff." We all know some of it is what we want and some of it isn't. We can't always change things around us, we can try and make them better, we can ignore them, and try to live with them. The only thing we can truly change is ourselves. We can ask to look at things differently. We can decide that something is not working, and do something else. We can concentrate on what is working and revel in that. I have said this before, but OUR THOUGHTS CONTROL OUR LIVES! That can go either way. What do you want in your life? It could be as easy as changing your mind. Make a ripple, stick with it, see what happens.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Treasure the moments.
There are many things I have learned from this past vacation. One of the most important things is to be present. It is an easy concept to talk about, but, a hard one to actually do. It takes lots of practice, and starting when you are young makes it easier. All we have is just this moment. I tried to feel, see, hear, and really experience my trip. I tried to soak up every sparkling moment. I need more practice. So, for today, I am going to look, and really see, listen and really hear, keep myself in the moment so that I don't miss anything. Make a ripple, do the same, see what happens.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Everything old is new again part 2
The clothes are unpacked. The long anticipated adventure has passed, but not without impact. I am still filled with the beauty and wonder of the ocean. The food was wonderful and the people, who moved at a slightly slower pace and celebrated a sunny day, are still fresh in my mind. Catboy has finally stopped chastising me, and is with me every step I take. Thanks to his long time friend, Betty, he was well loved when I was gone. I am celebrating the fact that there is a new shiny part of me, so full of gratitude, that I can share with you! Make a ripple, share your shiny parts, see what happens.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
To much of anything is to much
There was sand everywhere, and I was in hog heaven. My internal beach comber was ecstatic!!! The minute I hit the sand, my head went down, and my eyes laser focused on any possible shell, beautiful rock, or piece of driftwood. If there had been anything in front of me, I would have run straight in to it! To my delight, the first thing I found was a tiny, whole, perfect sand dollar the size of a nickle. (I told you, nothing would escape the eyes of "Beach Comber, Extrodinaire" ((my word, not in the dictionary)) So, I spent many hours, and many beaches with my head down, looking, looking. By the third day, I had a headache and my neck felt as if someone had yanked on it, hard. Hmmmm... I finally figured out that there was more to walking the beaches, and that there was, indeed, a beautiful ocean lapping at my toes, and other kinds of activity I had missed. So I followed the debris trail going one way and walked and played in the water coming back with my head up! Wow! I guess I figured out that too much of one thing leads to the exclusion of another wonderful thing. I am proud to report that my neck is much better, I have bags of shells, and I got to experience the wonder of the water, yes, and even the obnoxious sea gulls. Still , I am sharing my ripple, with you! There is more.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Lessons from the sand and sea
You will have to excuse me as I am still on va ca time. Is it still morning?! Well, it is morning somewhere, right. I just came back from the coast. Being near water is probably my favorite of all time places, oceans, preferably. I was there with someone I love more than breathing, so that helped. The first day, it was cold and windy. The place we stay in has big sand dunes you have to cross b/4 you actually get to the water, so I humped out there after the long drive. It is interesting when it is windy, because your tracks out there and those of others are mostly blown away so you get to navigate your way. I was lucky enough to reach water at the low tide, so I managed to find some "treasures." The walk back was cold and windy, but it started to feel comfortable. As the days passed, I got to relax, sleep with the ocean waves and awaken with them. The fog even lifted early one morning. My last trip out, was a sunny warm day with all the footprints I wanted to follow straight out to the water. What I am learning, is we and our lives are just like this. Sometimes, it is all humping, but there is something wonderful waiting. It felt good to feel free. It felt even better to not comb my hair for a day or so. If you are fortunate enough to have this wonderful adventure, I am so happy for you. Now I have the memories, and pictures to carry me through the next seasons. So I am sharing MY RIPPLE with you. More to come.....
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
I'll be back
I will be taking a week away from technology starting 9/18. I need to get some fresh ideas, and just have a short break. Please feel free to look back on my 363 other posts dating from October, 2013. I will be back shortly. In the meantime, make a ripple and see what happens. Love you all!
25 Karat Gold
It is hard to believe that I have been with you for almost a year. Let me put it another way. I am so eternally grateful that you have stuck with me for almost a year. So I want to thank (in no particular order) India, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Sweden, Indonesia, Norway, The U.K, The U.S., Canada, Australia, S. Korea, Venezuela, Italy, China, France, Spain, Ukraine, Germany, Poland, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Romania, Finland, and Russia. Look at us, people from all over the world, together, to make a ripple. When I see your country come up, it gives me such joy! I am looking forward to adding to our family. Thank you so much! We are all, in our way, making ourselves, and the world a better place. Stick with me, the best is yet to come! Namaste'
There is something out there bigger than us!
Live for that! We all have the tendency to live our lives in our own little world. What I am seeing, is there is so much more out there and we have a hand in changing it if we don't like it. It is a fact that we need to know and nurture ourselves in order to be able to put out the time and energy. So, today, I am going to take a deep breath, and think about all the ways I can look at the bigger picture. Make a ripple, do the same, see what happens.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
"It starts in our hearts"
A very famous and well-loved female politician gave me this quote recently. It pretty much says everything we must know to be a good human and make the world a better place. No ego, just love and compassion. Make a ripple, learn a new mantra, "it starts with me," see what happens.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Catboy on gluttony
Recently, Catboy and I were having a serious discussion on eating to much. It all started when I asked him how he thought jumping on the love seat and purring every 2 hours all day and night warranted my giving him cookies each time. You see, he knows if he starts purring, I have no control over his cuteness. But I looked at the cookie container and ascertained that he was going over his recommended amount. He gingerly pointed out to me that the box of my favorite cookies was looking pretty empty, also. So we decided to do more petting and walking around than eating so many of our delicious treats. It was a hard decision, but we have to watch our waistlines. Make a ripple, eat slowly, see what happens.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Appreciate what you have....
then, strive for more if you want it. In one of my studies, there is a very wise being. It is partly me, for finding out information, but also another person who guides me. As I believe we are all a part of each other and all that is good, I come to you today to ask you to appreciate. When I am on my pity potty, I sometimes ask "why can't I have that?" What I need to focus on is what I do have and be grateful. At that point, I can focus on what else I need and want in life. Things change according to how we think about them @ if I constantly worry, feel frustrated, or angry, that is exactly what I attract to me. The opposite is true if I am happy, and expectant of goodness. What do you really want? Make a ripple, give it some thought, see what happens.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
A pile here...
a pile there. I am in the midst of my "fall cleaning." I do not like to clean, well, except the usual things. It just seems as if things pile up easily. To my defense, I have a small place and a lot of things. So, every Fall and Spring, I try and de-clutter. You know how this goes, you move one pile of things to another pile. The first place looks great, but, here it is somewhere else. This time, I am going to try another tactic. I am going to give or throw away at least 40%. I can't quite make it to 50%, too terrifying! The other thing I thought I would do is de-clutter my mind and thoughts. For some reason, the thought of getting rid of 50% of that garbage seems less daunting. We hold on to lots of stuff, I guess it is security to me, but I am about to step into the abyss and try something new. The mind stuff is already working, I dumped a lot and I feel better. Now back to the "stuff stuff." Make a ripple, clean and clear, see what happens.
Friday, September 12, 2014
O Happy Day!
There is great news! My dear and wonderful friend J. is in remission! I doubt that we celebrate our health very often. Most of us take it for granted when it is good. Then... We have two choices, to give in to it and become miserable, asking "why me?", or face it head on with everything we have got. I can't deny that having a lot of support is helpful, but it is also that "locus of control" some people have. She has it in spades, and is now more healthy than she has ever been. If you are healthy, do everything you can to stay that way! (knowing you may not have the choice) If you are not, take the lesson of how precious life is and be strong. All any of us have is today, right this moment. We need to ask ourselves, what are we doing to make this an important moment? Make a ripple, celebrate with us! see what happens.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
It's a matter of
perspective. Yesterday, I decided to get my hair cut. Sounds like something we do all the time, except mine has been long for quite a while, and I wanted to get it "chopped off!" Some times you just need a drastic change. So I went to my friend's really good hairdresser, shaking in my sandals. As it turned out, I only got a couple of inches off, and he just did a different but great cut. I feel cute, and a little stupid. I wanted a change, but was scared of the change. This is all leading me to remember that change can be small, even subtle, and still, there is a great result. There is no need to shake in your "sandals." Make a ripple, be gentle with yourself, see what happens.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Model the good behavior you want to see
People learn things from observing, and in my experience, it is from what we do, not what we say. Think of all the times we say something, all the while, doing something completely different. Perhaps I should back up a little. I think we have behaviors that arise from frustration, being tired, and habit. So, what I am trying to do constantly, is to take that breath before I act. It seems, most of the time, to be a really good buffer between one behavior and another better one. However we can do it, whether it is to pause, and take a breath, or step away, it does make a ripple for the better. Try it and see what happens.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Are you happy?
I guess this seems like sort of a goofy question. It can be answered quickly by some, as "no." Others might say "yes," confusing being content with how things are. But what is happiness, anyway? I guess my definition would be to be glad to wake up in the morning and expectant of a great day. Perhaps it means to have that warm feeling in your heart for every one and everything, every day. How do you define happiness? The way we feel creates our lives. Make a ripple, think it over, see what happens.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Quack, Quaackk
I am pretty sure this means "Thanks" in Duck! Yesterday was a really beautiful day and so my dear friend and I went to a nearby park for a picnic lunch. It is a wonderful park, the pond is huge and filled with domestic and wild ducks, frogs, turtles, and even some fish. We found a bench in the shade and began to eat. A couple walked past us with this bag of something and headed down toward the pond. It looked different than the awful white bread some people think is food for these creatures. You know I am curious, so I followed them. It turns out that they had actually gone to the feed store and got duck food! Within about 3 minutes, every duck in the entire pond and every kid in the park was gathered in a big flock. It was so fun to see! I told the woman how cool it was to have them do that! She replied, "I don't even eat white bread!" Come to think of it, neither do I! Make a ripple, respect our wildlife, see what happens!
Sunday, September 7, 2014
What is...
your heart's desire? It is something we seldom take the time to think about, isn't it?! We are simply to busy. That is sad. In order to truly live, we have to have passion. We have to yearn for something that seems illusive to us. So, today, when you finally take a breath, give yourself the time to see what really makes you tick, what makes your blood rush faster, and takes your breath away. If we don't think of this, it might never happen. Make a ripple, go for it! see what happens.
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